Lab 2 Gastrointestinal Flashcards
Which parts of the alimentary canal are intraperitoneal and which are retroperitoneal?
Intra: stomach, jejunum and ileum, transverse colon, sigmoid colon, Retro: Duodenum,
ascending colon, descending colon, rectum.
When the anterior abdominal wall is opened, and the contents of this cavity can readily be viewed, what “sac” have you entered?
the grater sac
Placing the fingers through the epiploic foramen you have entered which sac? Additionally describe the boundaries of the epiploic foramen.
lesser sac
anteriorly: hepatoduodenal ligament and portal triad
posteriorly: the IVC and right crus of the diaphragm
superiorly: the liver
inferiorly: superior part of the duodenum
What is “THE mesentery”?
The mesentery is a large fold of peritoneum arising from the posterior abdominal wall that
envelopes the small intestine and its vessels.
How, in terms of structure and location, do the greater and lesser omenti differ?
The greater omentum is an apron of peritoneum that hangs from the greater curvature of the
stomach and the transverse colon.
The lesser omentum is a double fold of peritoneum that attaches the lesser curvature of the
stomach and proximal duodenum to the liver.
Which of the primary arteries supplying the GI system arises most superiorly and supplies the upper GI? What are its three initial branches?
Celiac trunk: common hepatic, left gastric, splenic
Which of the primary arteries supplying the GI system arises most inferiorly, supplying the descending colon and superior rectum? What are its primary named branches?
Inferior mesenteric: Left colic, sigmoid, superior rectal
Which of the primary arteries supplying the GI system supplies the small intestine and cecum and ascending and transverse colon? What are its primary named branches?
Superior mesenteric: middle colic, right colic, and ileocolic
Describe the course of blood from the celiac trunk to the liver naming all arteries used along its course.
Celiac trunk - common hepatic - proper hepatic - right and left hepatic
Describe the course of blood from the celiac trunk to the stomach, naming all arteries used along its course.
Celiac trunk - left gastric
Celiac trunk - splenic - left gastro-omental
Celiac trunk - common hepatic - gastroduodenal - right gastro-omental
Which vessels converge to form the portal vein?
Splenic and superior mesenteric (occasionally the inferior mesenteric too)
Caput medusae are caused by what portion of the portocaval anastomotic system?
Portal vein - paraumbilical - to SVC, IVC, and azygous
What are the two primary types of hiatal hernia and how do they differ anatomically?
Sliding and paraesphageal. The former can include all or a portion of total stomach, the latter
involves only the fundus.
Which parts of the duodenum are retroperitoneal and which are intraparitoneal?
Superior and ascending are intraperitoneal, the descending and inferior are retroperitoneal.
What are the primary differences in anatomy and vasculature of the jejunum and ileum?
jejunum: short arcades, long vasa recta, dense complete plicae circulares
ileum: longer arcades, short vasa recta, less dense, incomplete plicae circulares
What are the primary anatomical components of the large intestine?
Cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anal canal.
What are the primary anatomical features that distinguish the large, from the small intestine?
The large intestine exhibits taenia coli, epiploic appendices, haustrae, and semilunar folds.
The liver is composed of how many lobes and what are their names?
Left and right, quadrate and caudate
Describe the round, falciform and coronary ligaments of the liver, and where necessary what they are embryological remnants of?
Falciform ligament is a peritoneal reflection off the anterior abdominal wall with the round
ligament in its margin.
The round ligament contains the obliterated umbilical vein.
The ligamentum venosum is a remnant of the ductus venosus.
Coronary ligaments are reflexions of peritoneum from the liver to the diaphragm
How does bile move through the bile duct system for both storage and secretion?
Right and left hepatic duct - common hepatic duct - cystic duct - common bile duct