Lab 1 Cardiopulmonary Flashcards
Which are the true ribs, and why?
1-7; they articulate directly with sternum
Which are the false ribs, and why?
8-10; they articulate with costal cartilage of the ribs above
Which are the floating ribs, and why?
11 & 12; they only articulate with the vertebrae
Name the intercostal, neck, and extrinsic back muscles that act upon the thorax for forced respiration
External, internal and innermost intercostal muscles, scalene muscles,
posterior superior and inferior serratus muscles, transversus thoracis,
subcostal muscles, levator costorum. (Other muscles such as quadratus
lumborum, trapezius and latissimus dorsi could be included)
What other muscle on the posterior aspect of the sternum and anterior thorax acts in respiration?
Transversus thoracis
What artery gives rise to the anterior intercostal arteries?
Internal thoracic (mammary) a.
What artery gives rise to the posterior intercostal arteries?
Thoracic aorta
Do the intercostal vessels run superior or inferior to individual ribs and in what order (from superior to inferior) do they run?
the primary vessels run inferior to individual ribs and run vein, artery, nerve
from superior to inferior.
What two muscles sandwich the intercostal neurovascular bundles?
Internal and innermost intercostal
Describe the serous pericardium.
This is a two layered sack creating a potential space around the heart. It
consists of a parietal layer that lines the fibrous pericardium and a visceral
layer that is adhered to the heart and forms the epicardium.
What nerve conveys pain from the pericardium?
Phrenic n.
What and where are the transverse and oblique pericardial sinuses?
The pericardial sinuses are spaces formed by the pericardium. The
transverse sinus is posterior to the aorta and pulmonary trunk. The oblique
sinus is posterior to the heart.
Provide the contents of the superior, anterior, posterior and middle mediastina.
The superior mediastinum contains the great vessels.
The anterior‐inferior contains fat and connective tissue, and the thymus in
The middle‐inferior contains the heart and the pericardia.
The posterior‐interior contains the descending thoracic aorta, the thoracic
lymphatic duct, and the esophagus. (you could also include the sympathetic
trunk, thoracic splanchnic nerves, and the azygous venous system)
Where is pectinate muscle found in the heart?
Auricle of right atrium
From what embryonic structures are the right and left auricles derived?
Primitive embryonic atrium
What is the fossa ovalis a remnant of and what was its function in the fetus?
foramen ovale, which shunted blood from the right to
the left atrium in order to bypass the developing but nonfunctional lungs.

Where are papillary muscles found, when do they contract, and what is their function?
They are found in the ventricles attaching to the leaflets of the
atrioventricular valves. They contract just prior to contraction of the ventricle in order to prevent leaflet prolapse into the atria.

Describe cardiopulmonary circulation, include the names of the relevant chambers, valves, and vessels in your description.
1)blood enters the right atrium via the vena cavae
2)blood enters the right ventricle via the right atrioventricular valve
3)blood enters the pulmonary trunk via the pulmonic semilunar valve and
enters the lungs via the pulmonary arteries
4) blood returns from the lungs via pulmonary veins and enters the left
5) blood enters the left ventricle via the left atrioventricular valve
6) blood enters the aortic arch via the aortic semilunar valve
Where are the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes located?
The sinoatrial node is positioned in the wall of the right atrium just lateral to
the junction where the superior vena cava enters the right atrium.

The atrioventricular node is in the posteroinferior region of the interatrial
septum near the opening of the coronary sinus.
How do the ventricles of the heart contract first from the apex and then move superiorly?
The ventricular bundle branches of the Purkinje system transmit the signal
rapidly to the apex.
From which coronary artery does the sinuatrial nodal branch arise?
Right coronary a.
From which coronary artery does the anterior interventricular branch arise?
Left coronary a.
From which coronary artery does the posterior interventricular branch arise?
Right coronary a.
What are the number of lobes per lung and what are their names?
Right: superior, middle, and inferior lobes
Left: superior and middle lobes
Which lung has the aortic impression and which has the azygous impression?
The left lung has the aortic impression. The right lung has the azygous