L4: Western Energetics I: Humoural system Flashcards
Summarise the elements and the qualities
Four Elements
What does Fire govern?
- Digestive secretions
- All enzymes
- Yellow bile
- Metabolism
- ‘Digestive fire’
- Heart, Liver, Stomach (heat-generating organs)
- Active, muscular heat-generating tissue
- Spirit and intelligence
Four Elements
What does Water govern?
- All vital fluids* (especially clear)
- Kidneys, bladder, urinary tract
- Mucosa (digestive, respiratory, genitourinary)
- Lymphatic system
- Brain and spinal cord
*Phlegm, mucus, plasma, lymph, serous and interstitial fluids
Four Elements
What does Earth govern?
- Dense, solid parts of the body
- Bones, joints, structural connective tissue
- Nervous tissue and bone marrow
- Teeth and gums
- Hair and nails
- ‘Solidity/groundedness’
Four Elements
What does Air govern?
- Lungs, chest, thorax
- Cavities and open spaces
- Blood and vital force
- Arteries
- Hollow/porous tissues
- Points of exchange/contact (lungs, kidneys, digestive mucosa)
Five Qualities
What are the bodily experiences and appearances with Heat?
- Hot (inflammation)
- Swollen
- Tender
- Excess of blood (redness)
- Pain
Five Qualities
Examples of manifestations of Heat
Anything with -itis on the end
Five Qualities
Diagnostics of Heat
- Rapid, superficial pulse
- Red, elongated tongue
- Autoimmune condition
Five Qualities
How does Heat work therapeutically in the body?
- Purifies
- Drives impurities out of the body (eg Cayenne)
- Clears out pathogens (immune reactions, fever)
Five Qualities
What are the herbs we consider for Heat qualities ?
- Rosemary: increases circulation, improves brain function
- Thyme: stimulates immunity and is antimicrobial
- Garlic: circulation, digestion, immunity
- Cayenne: safe, natural stimulant
Five Qualities
What are the bodily experiences and appearances with Cold?
- Pale
- Dark
- Inactive
- Lack of stimulation
Five Qualities
Examples of manifestations of Cold
- Hypothyroidism
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Poor circulation
Five Qualities
Diagnostics of Cold
- Deep, slow pulse
- Dark red, purple, black tongue
- Pale or blue/purple skin
Five Qualities
How does Cold work therapeutically in the body?
Binds and tightens
(eg cold pack on inflammation)
Five Qualities
What are the herbs we consider for their Cold qualities ?
- Rose: cools the liver, topically soothes skin, balances hormonal excesses
- Plantain: takes the heat out of bites and stings
- Barberry bark: cooling and anti-microbial digestive remedy
- Goldenseal: cooling anti-inflammatory action on mucous membrane surfaces
Five Qualities
What are the bodily experiences and appearances with Moist?
- Lack of tone
- Respiratory discharges
- Skin discharges
- Soggy or boggy tissues, prolapses
Five Qualities
Examples of manifestations of Moist
- Phlegm, mucous
- Diarrhoea
- Profuse sweating (hyperhydrosis)
- Oedema
Five Qualities
What are the herbs we consider for Moist qualities ?
- Marshmallow -lubricates the skin and mucous membranes
- Wild Lettuce – lubricating expectorant to treat dry coughs
- Slippery Elm bark powder – stool softener and mild laxative for hard, dry stool
Five Qualities
Diagnostics of Moist
- Relaxed or obscure pulse
- Wet, coated tongue (glossy or white)
Five Qualities
How does Moist work therapeutically in the body?
- Nourishes
- Lubricates
- Eg marshmallow and aloe vera protect mucous membranes and skin
Five Qualities
What are the bodily experiences and appearances with Dry?
- Withered/atrophied
- Weak
- Pallor from lack of fluids/nourishment
Five Qualities
What are the herbs we consider for Dry qualities ?
- Golden seal –dries up infective discharges e.g. upper respiratory, urinary, digestive system
- Raspberry leaf– stops uterine and vaginal discharges
- Oak Bark – firms up flesh and stops bleeding e.g. gums