L2 FWHM: History And Philosophy Flashcards
Name three influences on Western Herbal Medicine
- Ancient world - Greece, Rome, Arab traditions, Celtic traditions
- Pre-existing indigenous practice
- The New World - the Americas
- Naturopathic traditions
- Modern developments (20th and 21st centuries)
Why is Hippocrates important?
Father of medicine
First to come up with a coherent system of medicine based on observation and measurement
Why was the decline of the Roman Empire important in the development of medicine?
Galenic medicine was at its height
Repositories of Galenic medicine all over the empire
These then developed in their own right
What was important about the Italian city of Salerno
Bridgehead of Arab culture in Europe
Site of famous medical school
School of famous physicians like Avicenna
What is meant by “the Quack’s Charter”
- Enacted by Henry VIII
- Medical Act 1548
- Legislation that made it possible for those with knowledge and experience to practice healing with herbs.
- Never been rescinded
What is the “Doctrine of Signatures”?
How the look of the plant suggests what part of the body it’s useful for: a leaf that looks like a lung, walnut brain, red berry blood
Who was Samuel Thomson and what did he contribute to Western Herbal Medicine?
Samuel Thomson (1769–1843)
* Pig farmer and self-taught herbalist
* Studied Hippocrates
* Three basic disease states: hot, cold, alternating hot and cold (wind).
* Advocated the use of Cayenne and Lobelia (hot and cold) as a dynamic herbal polarity
Why was Albert Isaac Coffin important to UK herbal medicine?
Arrived in 1839 and taught the physiomedicalists system which became the official system in Britain
Founded the National Association of Medical Herbalists which is now known as the National Institute of Medical herbalists
How best is the origin of Western Herbal Medicine described
- Ancient roots in Greece and Rome
- Local indigenous practice (folk-medicine)
- North American tradition
Name the origins and date of the first documented Material Medica
From the Ayurvedic traditions 200BC
What are the origins of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) ?
- An aggregate of systems from Confucianism (550BC) and Taoism (400BC)
- First records appear in 4thC BC from Huangdi Neijing (The Yellow Emperor’s classic)
Who was Asclepius?
- Ancient Greek physician
- 1250BC
- Credited with “miraculous healings”
- “Cult of Asclepius” (magic/superstition)
Which ancient Greco-Roman philosophers (not physicians) are credited with laying the foundation of (rational) medicine by explaining how the world works?
What are the four elements of the Greek system of medicine and name the founder.
Air, fire, water, earth
What are the four primary qualities and by whom were they assigned?
Hot, cold, dry, moist
Which pioneers/schools of medicine were influenced by Hippocrates ?
- The Salerno School (Italy)
- The Myddfai physicians (Wales)
- Samuel Thomson (North America)
- The Physiomedicalists (North
America) - Nicholas Culpepper (England)
Who created the first definite Western Materia Medica; when did he live and describe the contents of his work.
Pedanius Dioscorides
* 1st century CE
* Greek-born Roman army physician
* Described 600 herbs in detail
* Prototype model of herbal pharmacopoeia
This person was born in Pergamon (Syria) in 130CE, further developed Hippocratic medicine and was an early pioneer of surgery (on animals).
Claudius Galenus (Galen)
This Arab physician of 869CE emphasized the importance of diet and hygiene over drugs and introduced mercury for skin complaints.
This Arab physician advocated clean air, moderate diet, balance in work and rest, emotional positivity and the “evacuation of superfluities”
Ibn Butlan
What part of Europe did the Arab physicians settle in the 1st century.
Salerno, Italy