L4 - Upper Muscles (Head, Neck, and Trunk) Flashcards
What three muscles make up the epicranius (group of muscles above the skull)?
Frontalis, galea aponeurotica, occipitalis
What three muscles close the jaw?
Temporalis, medial pterygoid, and masseter
What muscle surrounds the eye?
The orbicularis oculi
Where is the corrugator supercilii? What does it do?
Inferior to the eyebrows; moves the eyebrows medially
What muscle is lateral to the nasalis and elevates the corner of the mouth? What muscle lies just deep to that muscle?
Levator labii superioris;
Levator anguli oris
Where is the zygomaticus?
Descends from the cheekbone laterally towards the corner of the mouth
What muscle runs laterally underneath the masseter and makes the mouth take a sucking or puckered shape?
The buccinator
What muscle opens the mouth?
Lateral pterygoid
What muscle encircles the mouth and closes it in a kissing shape?
Orbicularis oris
What muscle creates a frown, and what muscle pulls the lips down?
Depressor anguli oris; depressor labii oris
What is the most medial chin muscle?
What broad muscle extends vertically down the neck?
The platysma
What are the four strap muscles that help depress the hyoid bone?
Where is the two-headed digastric muscle, and what does it do?
Under the chin; lowers the mandible
What muscle lies between the tongue and the digastric?
The mylohyoid