L2 - Axial Skeleton (Skull) Flashcards
What bone sits makes up the front of the cranial vault?
The frontal bone
What is the name of the ridge of the frontal bone above the eye socket? What does this ridge indicate?
The superciliary arch; the location of the frontal sinus
What is the name of the foramen (or notch) found in the superciliary arch?
The supraorbital foramen (passageway for the supraorbital nerve, a branch of CN V1)
What suture separates the frontal and parietal bones?
The coronal suture
What suture connects the two parietal bones?
The sagittal suture
What suture connects the temporal and parietal bones?
The squamous suture
What portion of the temporal bone allows for articulation with the mandible and formation of the TMJ?
The mandibular fossa
What is the term for the external bony passageway of the temporal bone that leads to the middle and inner ear cavities?
The external auditory (acoustic) meatus (canal)
What part of the temporal bone houses the middle and inner ear cavities?
The petrous part
What canal in the petrous part of the temporal bone extends laterally towards the inner ear?
The internal auditory (acoustic) meatus (canal)
What cranial nerve(s) pass through the internal auditory meatus?
Facial nerve (VII) and vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII)
What is the name of the sharp projection that extends inferiorly from the temporal bone?
The styloid process

What rounded process sits just posterior to the styloid process on the temporal bone?
The mastoid process

What temporal bone passageway sits just between the styloid process and the mastoid process? What nerve passes through this passage?
The stylomastoid foramen; facial nerve (VII)
What to passageways lie medial to the stylomastoid foramen?
Hint: they are located in the petrous part of the temporal bone and carry major blood vessels
The carotid canal (anterior) and the jugular foramen (larger and posterior)

What suture connects the occipital and parietal bones?
The lambdoid suture
What is the name of the large hole in the occipital bone?
The foramen magnum
What paired, rounded processes of the occipital bone articulate with the atlas (C-1)?
The occipital condyles
What small, bony passageway lies superior to the occipital condyles? What cranial nerve passes through this passage?
The hypoglossal canal; hypoglossal nerve (XII)
What is the name of the occipital bone process that extends anteriorly away from the foramen magnum?
The basilar part
What line runs transversely across the posterior skull on the occipital bone?
The superior nuchal line
What bony landmark lies in the middle of the superior nuchal line?
The external occipital protuberance
What two structures create the superior orbital fissure in the eye socket?
The gap between the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid bone

Which is located superiorly to the other, the greater or lesser wing of the sphenoid bone?
The lesser wing (the thinner wing on top)

What two structures make up the inferior orbital fissure of the eye socket?
A fissure between the maxilla and the greater wing of the sphenoid
What is the name of the saddle-like depression in which the pituitary sits?
The sella turcica (of the sphenoid bone)

Through what part of the sphenoid does the optic nerve (CN II) pass?
The optic canal (the lesser wing)

Where is the foramen lacerum?

Where is the foramen ovale? What passes through it?
The third branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V3)

Where is the foramen spinosum? What passes through it?
The middle meningeal artery

Where is the foramen rotundum? What passes through it?
The second branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V2)

What are the four processes that extend inferiorly from the sphenoid bone called?
The medial and lateral pterygoid plates

Through which structure in the ethmoid bone do the olfactory nerves pass?
The cribriform plate
What is the name of the sharp process of the ethmoid bone that rises superiorly out of the cribriform plate?
The crista galli
What is the median inferior projection of the ethmoid bone called? What structure does it form along with the vomer?
The perpendicular plate; the nasal septum

Name all the facial bones.
Vomer, maxilla, palatine bone, nasal bone, inferior nasal concha, zygomatic bone, lacrimal bone, mandible
What structure is formed by the union of the zygomatic bone and the temporal bone?
The zygomatic arch
What passageway extends down through the lacrimal bone? What passes through it?
The nasolacrimal canal; the nasolacrimal duct
What is the name of the hole in the maxilla? What nerve passes through it?
The infraorbital foramen; the infraorbital nerve (a branch of CN V2)
Name the major paranasal sinuses.
Frontal, ethmoid, sphenoidal, and maxillary

What is another name for the ethmoidal sinus?
The ethmoidal air cells (numerous cavities within the ethmoid bone)
Where are the ramus, angle, and body of the mandible?

What are the names of the two processes by which the mandible articulates with the temporal bone?
Is there a name for the space between these processes?
The coronoid process (anterior) and the condylar process (posterior part which forms the bulk of the TMJ)
The mandibular notch

Which foramen in the mandible is on the inner portion of the ramus? Which foramen is on the outer portion of the body?
Mandibular; mental
Name the connective tissue-lined socket in which the tooth lies.
The alveolus