L22 - Pelvic Viscera Flashcards
bones of the pelvic girdle (3)
- sacrum
- innominate bones
- coccyx
innominate bone: bones (3)
- ilium
- ishcium
- pubis
Innominate bone: features (5)
- auricular surface
- iliopectineal line
- ishcial tuberosity
- symphyseal surface
- ishcial spine
sacrum: features (4)
-m sacral pulmontory
- auricular surface
- sacral ala
- anterior sacral foramina
Joints of the pelvic girdle
- sacroiliac joints
- symphysis pubis
sacroiliac joints
auricular surfaces of the sacrum and ilium
symphysis pubis
fibrocartilaginous disc between left and right pubis (symphyseal surfaces)
pelvic inlet borders
- sacral promontory
- sacral ala
- iliopectineal line
- symphysis pubis
pelvic outlet borders
- coccyx
- ishcial tuberosities
- symphysis pubis
interspinous distance is the distance between…
both ishcial spines?
pelvic diaphragm: fucntions
support pelvic viscera
pelvic diaphragm: features
- urogenital hiatus
- anal aperture
pelvic diaphragm: muscles
- levator ani group
- coccygeus (ischiococcygeus)
levator ani group muscles
- puborectalis
- pubococcygeus
- iliococcygeus
Pelvic viscera of male only
- vas deferens
- seminal vesicles
- ejaculatory ducts
- prostate gland
Pelvic viscera of female only
- uterus
- uterine tubes
- ovaries
- vagina
Pelvic viscera of male and female
- bladder
- ureters
- sigmoid colon
- rectum
broad ligament
- covers female pelvic viscera
- double fold of peritoneum
- three divisions
- largest divison of the broad ligament
- covers the uterus and bladder
- suspends ovaries from uterine tubes
surrounds uterine tubes
uterus structuress (6)
- fundus
- uterine cavity
- internal Os
- cervical canal
- cervix
- external Os
uterine tubes
- infundibulum
- ishtmus
- ampulla
- fimbriae
uterus ligaments (3)
- uterosacral ligament
- cardinal ligament
- round ligament
- paired almond shaped organs
- produce ova (eggs)
- secrete estrogen and progesterone
- open to external environment
- begins at the external os of the cervix
- posterior to bladder
- protrusion of cervix creates fornixes
Male pelvic viscera
- ductus deferens
- seminal vesicles
- ejaculatory ducts
- prostate gland
ductus (vas) deferens
- bladder
- ureter
- ductis deferens
- ampulla
seminal vesicles
- posterior surface of bladder
- lateral to ductus deferens
- glandular structures
- stores and produces fluid that makes up a majority of semen
ejculatory ducts
- formed by the union of the seminal vesicles and ducts deferens
prostate gland
- inferior to bladder
- walnut shaped
- transvered byt he prostatic urethra
- prostatic uricle contracts to widen the openings of the ejaculatory ducts
sigmoid colon
- “S” shaped
- distal end of colon
- continuous with the rectum distally
- continuous with the anal canal distally
- two flexures: 1) sacral flexure 2) anorectal flexure
rectum - internal anatomy
- 3 transverse folds (superior, middle, inferior rectal folds)
- 3 lateral flexures
- exit renal pelvis
- pass posterior to gonadal vessels and anterior to psoas major
- pass anterior to iliac vessels
- enter the posterior aspect of the bladder
- apex
- body
- ureters
- ureteric orifices
- internal urethral orifice
- urethra
- trigone (not a structure)
blood supply
- common iliac artery
- internal iliac artery
- external iliac artery
- gonadal arteries
- inferior mesenteric artery
- common iliac artery
uterus blood supply
- uterine artery
- internal iliac artery
ovaries blood supply
- abdominal aorta –> right or left ovarian artery
rectume blood supply
- inferior mesenteric artery
- superior rectal artery
- internal iliac artery
- middle rectal artery
- inferior rectal artery
pelvic viscera is innervated by the ____ nervous system: sympathetic and parasympathetic
sympathetic innervation pathway
preganglionic neurons in L1 and L2 –> inferior hypgastric or inferior mesenteric ganglion –> pelvic viscera
Sympathetic innervation: Pelvic viscera _____ the bladder, ____ the internal urethral sphincter – prevents ____
- inhibits
- excites
- urination
Sympathetic innervation: Pelvic viscera _____ peristaltic contraction, ____ internal anal sphincter – prevents ____
- inhibits
- excites
- defecation
Sympathetic innervation: Pelvic viscera _____ uterine contraction
parasympathetic innervation pathway
preganglionic neurons: S2, S3, S4 –> pelvic splanchic nerves –> pelvic viscera
parasympathetic innervation: Pelvic viscera _____ the bladder, ____ the internal urethral sphincter – prevents ____
- excites
- inhibits
- urination
parasympathetic innervation: Pelvic viscera _____ peristaltic contraction, ____ internal anal sphincter – prevents ____
- excites
- inhibits
- defecation
parasympathetic innervation: Pelvic viscera _____ uterine contraction
- inhibits