L15- Natural phenomena , agriculture Flashcards
phun trào
to explode or burst out suddenly:
At the end of a hot summer, violence erupted in the inner cities.
Since the volcano last erupted, many houses have been built in a dangerous position on its slopes.
to hit sb/sth hard or with force:
The ship struck a rock. * The child ran into the road and was struck by a car. * The tree was struck by lightning.
- Sét đánh -
Torrential rain pours down very rapidly and in great quantities.
- (mưa) xối xả -
a small earthquake that happens after a bigger one:
The area suffered a series of aftershocks measuring up to 6.3 on the Richter scale.
- dư chấn -
a small earthquake in which the ground shakes slightly:
an earth tremor * (figurative) The scandal sent tremors through the political establishment.
- rung chuyển -
the loud noise that you hear after a flash of LIGHTNING
when it thunders, there is a loud noise in the sky during a storm
difficult to go or see through:
dense fog
a dense forest
extremely bad or serious
- dữ dội -
coming from, found in or typical of the tropics
- tropical storm = bão nhiệt đới -
every cloud has a silver lining
difficult situations can also have positive effects = (saying) every sad or difficult situation has a positive side
- trong cái rủi có cái may -
in the cold light of day
- hiểu rõ cái gì, sau khi binh tinh lai -
Ex: These things always look different in the cold light of day.
- when you have had time to think calmly about something; in the morning when things are clearer
- see something of what it really is
weather the storm
endure a difficult situation
- vượt qua giông bão -
If the government introduces necessary but unpopular measures, they should be prepared to weather the storm rather than please the public with a softer approach
know which way the wind is blowing
be aware of current opinions
- biết người biết ta -
the calm before the storm
- Trước giông bão, trời luôn sóng êm biển lặng -
a period of peace followed by a period of chaos
Although the unemployment figures dropped today, experts believe this may be the calm before the storm, with hundreds of job losses predicted for the coming months.
a storm in a teacup
- lo lắng thái quá - a small problem that has been exaggerated
Climate sceptics believe that scientists are exaggerating the current situation and this is simply a storm in a teacup
Những người hoài nghi khí hậu cho rằng các nhà khoa học đang phóng đại tình hình hiện tại và đây chỉ đơn giản là lo lắng thái quá
not have the foggiest idea
- hoàn toàn không biết gì -
Ex: To be honest, I don’t think the present government has the foggiest idea what to do about either drug problems or obesity.
- (informal) to not know anything at all about something
‘Do you know where she is?’ ‘Sorry, I haven’t the foggiest.’ - be totally unaware of or ignorant of
‘To be honest, I don’t think the present government has the foggiest idea what to do about either drug problem or obesity’
be snowed under
- việc ngập đầu -
1. to have more things, especially work, than you feel able to deal with
I’d love to come but I’m completely snowed under at the moment.
- feel overwhelmed
fossil fuel
- nhiên liệu hóa thạch -
fuel such as coal or oil that was formed over millions of years from parts of dead animals or plants
acid rain
mưa acid
viable solution
- giải pháp khả thi -
greenhouse gases
hiệu ứng nhà kính
vicious circle
- vòng lẩn quẩn -
a situation in which one problem causes another problem which then makes the first problem worse
- khử muối -
the process of removing salt from seawater
irrigation problems
- vấn đề tưới tiêu -
a plant, like a mushroom
an area of grassland
- đồng cỏ -
- động vật -
- vũng nước -
a small amount of water
- cặn lắng dưới đáy sông -
the solid material that settles at the bottom of a liquid
a delicate coloured part of a flower. The head of a flower is usually made up of several petals around a central part
- cánh hoa -
thân cây
a small, very thin branch that grows out of a larger branch on a bush or tree
- cành cây -
the study or practice of growing flowers, fruit and vegetables
- nghề làm vườn -
a large piece of farming equipment with one or several curved blades (= metal cutting parts), pulled by a tractor or by animals
- cày cuốc -
bờ biển
- kênh đào -
- bờ biển -
the earth dries out
trái đất khô dần đi
new source of water need to be sought
- nguồn nước mới cần dc tìm kiếm -
- to seek (v)
in response to
- để đáp lại -
warm up the planet
useful phrase
desalination of seawater
khử muối nước biển
a dying of cropland
useful phrase
một cái chết của đất trồng trọt
a reduction in crop yield
useful phrase
giảm năng suất cây trồng
the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rises
useful phrase
soils dry out
useful phrase
weeds and pests
- cỏ dại và sâu bệnh -
resistant to diseases or pest
- chống lại bệnh tật và sâu bệnh -
- thuốc trừ sâu -
cạn kiệt
đâm chòi nảy nở
a lack or a surfeit
thiếu hụt hoặc dư thừa
máy kéo
overgrazing by cattle
chăn thả gia súc quá mức
soil degradation
thái hóa đất
alternative water sources
useful phrase
Not everything is depleted
useful phrase
không phải mọi thứ đều cạn kiệt
large amounts of energy will be required
useful phrase
seek a new source
warm up the planet
new sources of water need to be sought
useful phrase
nguồn nước mới cần được tìm kiếm
không thể tránh khỏi