Kin 150 Phycological skills training Flashcards
Are mental skills a replacement for training? What athletes are they for?
No, developing mental skills is just one part of an athletes traning. PST is for all athletes but its not usually focused enough on
What are the 3 phases of phycological skills training
- Education
- Importance of PST is known
- What are athletes needs? Do we have the skills and knowledge to help them? - Acquisition
- Develop a plan by trial and error
- Trial and error of different mental skills to create a plan
- Try mental skills out in a non competitive - Practice
- Integrate the mental skills into competition
- Perfect the mental skills
What is a phycological skills training intervention?
A structured program that helps athletes develope and use mental skills to benefit them athletically
What are some benefits of having a PST intervention
PST interventions lead to…
1. Improved performance
2. Enhanced motivation and confidence
3. Creating a more positive appraisal for stressful situations
What are the types of mental skills?
- goal setting
- Imagery
- self talk
- Attentional controle
Explain what goal setting is and the 3 types
Goal setting:
- Most common mental skill among athletes
- Goal: Objective or target of a action
3 types:
- Outcome goals
- Focused on competitive results and how you compare to others - Performance goals:
- Focused on personal goals and not how we compare to others - process goals:
- Focused on improving certain behaviours
What benefits do having a goal have?
- Increases performance
- Increases self efficacy
- Exercise is ehanced
- Directs your attention
- Promotes action
- Easy to monitor progress
- Encourages persistance
Explain the high performance cycle for goal setting
- Set/modify goal
- Make a plan on how to achieve the goal
- execute the plan
- Monitor progress
5 repeat
Explain what a SMART goal is
Specific: Clear goal
Measurable: Use of numbers to asses progress
Adjustable: Able to be modified depending on if its too easy or hard
Realistic: Set attainable but, moderately hard goals
Time: Have target dates for the goal
Explain what evidence shows for SMART goals in sport
- Specific goals art more effective than non specific goals
- Because every time specific goal isn’t met its seen as a failure - Process goals have a larger effect compared to outcome and performance goals
- Mixed evidence regarding the realistic and time aspect of MSART goals
Explain what evidence shows for SMART goals in exercise
- Specific goals are not more effective than non specific goals
- Timeframes of daily or daily + weekly goals are more effective than just weekly goals
- Better outcome when the goals is adjusted over time
Explain what Imagery is
Using multiple senses to recreate a experience in your head
What are the two potential views for imagery?
- Internal: 1st person view
- External: Outside view from outsiders perpective
What are the types of imagery and what the3y help with?
- Motivational General Mastery:
- Images related to feeling confident and mentally tough - Motivational General Arousal:
- Imagery helping regulate arousal
- Imaging yourself in a ideal arousal state - Motivational specific:
- Images related to a specific goal - Cognitive general:
- Images showing strategies or routines - Cognitive specific:
- Imagery of a specific sport skill
Explain the guideline for successful imagery (PETLEP)
-Whats the physical feeling we’re trying to imagine? High or low arousal?
- Imagery should be as close as possible to the actual environment (eg. picture the exact spot you will be playing)
- Duration of visualization = time of competition
-Visualize yourself doing things that are in your skill range. If new to sport focus solo on the basics
- Attach emotion to the imagery
- Form based skills are better to imagine from a external perspetive
Explain what self talk is
- Verbal statements that we say to ourselves
- easily combines with other mental skills
What are the two ways you can perform self talk?
Overt: Self talk out loud
Covert: Self talk in your head
What are the two types of self talk what what they do
- Instructional
- Develop a skill
- Execute a skill
- Stratagie - Motivational
- Arousal regulation
- Effort increase
- Focus
How to have successful self talk (SPORT)
Self determined:
- Words have a personal meaning
Positive: Focus on what your trying to achieve not what your trying to avoid
Overt: At least come self talk should be out loud
Repeated: used frequently not just in important situations
Triggering: Create a motivating response that gets you back on track
What are the 3 types of selective attention errors in the mental skill of attention control?
- Too broad:
- Focus on too much stimuli - Too narrow:
- Focus on too little stimuli - Wrong direction:
- Focus on irrelevant stimulus
What are the 4 categories of attentional focus that make up the 2x2 model?
- Internal vs external
- Cues within us and cues in our surroundings - Broad vs narrow
- Number of things focused on
Explain the 2x2 model of types of attentional focus
External broad:
- Focus on multiple stimuluses from our surroundings
- eg. wind speed, ball position, bunkers
External specific:
- Focus on limited stimulus from our surroundings
- Eg soley focused on making contact with the ball
Internal broad:
- Focused on multiple stimulus from within us
- Eg. Club choice, shot type choice, and past experiences
Internal narrow:
- Focused on limited stimulus from within us
- eg. silky focused on breathing to calm down
What are the ways to improve attentional contole?
- Attention simulation
- Replicate competitive senarios to practice - Performance routines:
- Have a pre-game routine - Attentional cues:
- Have a certain cue that makes you refocus