Key Terms Ch 18 Flashcards
Companies that take the current industry structure and its evolution as givens, and choose where to compete.
An approach to implementing the unfreezing/moving/refreezing model by identifying the forces that prevent people from changing and those that will drive people toward change.
Force-field Analysis
Also Organization ambidexterity; ability to achieve multiple objectives simultaneously.
Genius of the “And”
Instituting the change.
The system-wide application of behavioral science knowledge to develop, improve, and reinforce the strategies, structures, and processes that lead to organizational effectiveness.
Organization Development (OD)
The difference between actual performance and desired performance.
Performance Gap
A response that is initiated before a performance gap has occurred.
Proactive Change
A response that occurs under pressure; problem-driven change.
Reactive Change
Strengthening the new behaviors that support the change.
Companies that try to change the structure of their industries, creating a future competitive landscape of their own design.
Introducing and sustaining multiple policies, practices, and procedures across multiple units and levels.
Total Organization Change
The belief that things must be either A or B and cannot be both; that only one goal and not another can be attained.
Tyranny or the “Or”
Realizing that current practices are inappropriate and that new behavior is necessary.