JT Workers movement Flashcards
why did things change for workers after industrial revolution (4)
1 because machines could do their work they became 2 more vulnerable to ecconomic depression 3 class division rose between worker and employers 4 fear of workers rising up
what were workers guilds
group of skilled tradesmen who organised pay and conditions
how were businesses set up before industrial revolution
cottage industry, small businesses owners working in workshop with employees so good conditions
how did industrial revolutui change things
worked moved to factories if people werent happy about pay and conditions they were asked to leave
who were luddites
groups who deliberatly broke machinery hoping owner wouldnt turn to technology
a similar group to luddites
swing rioters - oppossed to threshing machines in farming
how did workers help themselves (3)
friendly societies - paid in each week and drew out when hard times
trade unions - to control quality and price
violence - destroy machines that took their jobs
who was robert owen
organised GNCTU union of all trades
was GNCTU successful (3)
no but worried government some employers made workers sign pledge not to be in a union
different worker had different issues -
there was conflict between the groups which weekend unions
who were tolpuddle martys
farm workers formed a union when tried to cut wages. Leaders were arrested for getting members to sighn secret oath. government were worried so dealt with harshlysent the to Australia - people protested so government reversed decision - this helped union movement.
what were combination acts
stopped groups of workers coming together to form a union
what happened in 1824
group strikes forced government to respond
how did government respond in 1824 to group strikes
passed combination act saying existing unions could only hold meetings to discuss pay and conditions
what was purpose of combination act
to stop threat and intimidation of workers, picketers - it weakened trade unions
what happened in 1837with glasgo cotton spinners union
strike because of wages became violent - ran out of money and leaders were arrested
what was significance of tolpuddle martrys (3)
1 campaign to release them organised by worker coming together to demand justice 2 it demonstrated working class could infulence 3 many involved in freeing tolpuddle martys got involved with chartism and co operatives making life better for ordinary people
what happened to mines during ww1 why
owned by government who increased wages and improved conditions
what happened to mines after war
given back to mine owners demand for coal dropped because of reparation so mine owners dropped wages increased hours
what was TUC response to mine owners after ww1
4th may 1926 called a general strikerailway workers, dockers, miners and other workers went on strike
was 1926general strike a sucess why
no government had prepared ended after 9 days
what was the impact of general strike 1926
union membership fell
labour party was weakend due to association with unions
4 reasons for general strike 1926
germany paying reparation in coal
mine owners change pay and day
industrialisation of machinery
men returned from war looking for work
how did government repond to 1926 general strike
1 spent 9 months preparing
2recruited volunteers
3 armed forces gave out food
4 used radio to persuade people to go back to work
5 convinced nation to turn against strikers
6 church said it was a sin
how did strikers respond to government in 1926 general strike (3)
started peacefully but then became violent - fight with police
derailed flying scotsman
how did 1926 general strike end
1 TUC secretly negotiated with miners and government government refused all demands.
13th May 1926 TUC called return to work miners had to accept pay cut and increased hours, those who were violent got black listed
what was impact of 1926 general strike (4)
1 trade dispute act banned mass picketting
2 union membership fell
3 employers gained more controll over workers
4 showed solidaritary of working classes
what happened to unions after ww11 why
1 union membership rose
2 nationalisation of industries meant many workers worked for government and they found it easy to negotiate better pay and conditions
what happened in 70s and 80s
more frequent large strikes and government usually gave in
what did margret thatcher do in 1982 (4)
1 introduced laws to reduce union power
2 ban flying pickets to stop workers from one industry picketing in another dispute
3 restrict close shop - where you had to be in a union to work in the factory
4vmoney for secret ballots stopped members being intimidated by show of hands vote
5 fined unions for losses caused by unlawful strikews
what was the turning point for thatchers government
1985 miners strike
what caused the 1985 miners strike
government announced itwas closing unproductive pits
how did government ensure they were succvesful in 1985 (4)
anticipated the strike
stockpiled coal
changed from coal to other forms
sent police to prevent striking miners picketing working pits
what was outcome of miners strike
1 public supported miners and sent food
2 miners returned to work after a year gaining nothing
3 trade union power reduced
how did workers help themselves
friendly societies - pd in each week and drew out if hit hard times
trade unions- controled quality and price
violence - weavers destroyed machines doing their job - ludites
who was robert owen
organised grand national consolidated trade union GNCTU - union of all trades
was GNCTU sucessful - why
no it failed but worried government - some employers forced workers to sign a pledge not to join a union
who were the Tolpuddle Martrs
farm workers eho formed a unionwhen they tried to cut their wages. The leader ws arrested for getting members to sign a secret oath - the governmetn were worried so dealt with them hrshlysending them to Australia. Public protested and government reversed decsion - this helped union movement
how were mines run in WW1
by government they raised wages and improved conditions
what happened to mines after WW1
given back to mine owners - demand for coal dropped (cheaper to import reparation) owners decreased wages increased hours.
what was TUC reaction to privitisation of mines
called general strike may 4th 1926miners railway workers and dockers went on strike supported by other workers
was 1926 general stike a success - why
no government had prepared army did the work, government turned public againsr strikers ended after 9 days.
what was the impact of 1926 general strike (3)
union membership fell
labour party weakeend because of association with union
support for strikes fell
4 reasons for 1926 general strike
men returned from war looking for work
mine owner changed pay and day
industrialised machines
germany paying reparation in coal
How did governement prepare for the strike (6)
spent 9 months preparing recruited volumteers armed forces gave out food used radio to persuade to go back to work turned nation against the strike church declared it a sin
howmdid strikers behave in 1926 general strike (4)
initially peaceful, became more violent fighting with police
derailed flying scotsman
many were communists wanting to overthrow government
how did 1926 general strike end
TUC secretly negotiated with miners but government refused demands May 26th TUC called a return to work and they had to accept pay cut and rise in hours those who had been violent were blacklisted
impact of 1926 General strike
showed solidaritory of working class
trade dispute act banned mass picketting
1/2 million left union
employers gained more controll over workers
what happened after WW2
union membership rose again, many industries owned by government and workers found it easier to press for pay and conditions
what happened in 70s and 80s
more and bigger strikes government usually gave in
what did margret thatcher do
introduced laws to limit union power
ban flying pickets - banning pickets from one industry picketing another
restrict closed shop - where you had to be a union member to work in the factory
fined unions for losses cause by unlawful strikes
what happened in 1985
miners strike
why did 1985 miners strikes happen
government proposed to close unprofitable mines and predicted strikes
how did government prepare for 1985 miners strike
stockpiled coal
some power stations changed from coal to other energy
sent police to prevent striking miners picketting working pits
outcome of 1985 miners strike
miners supported by public who sent food
miners returned to work after a year having gained nothing
unions never been as strong since