JD Comm Man 1-8 Flashcards
Within five days of the occurrence of any incident, an Incident History Printout can be received on the teleprinter in quarters.To obtain the Incident History
Printout after the five day whom would you contact?
The Field Comm Unit. CM 2.3.2
Define Signal 7 - 5
This message is a notification that a Battalion Chief, three Engine companies (or two Engines and one Squad company) and two Ladder companies are operating at an alarm. CM 2.4.1.P
On the MDT what button would be pressed to provide current information on incident that includes: information transmitted, addresses, locations, CIDS information, list of units, etc.
Incident Summary. 2.11.1.B.6
Which button would you press to obtain complete particulars of incident, (Note: printer needed to receive information)
Incident History. 2.11.1.B.6
BC Minogue has gone 10-9 in the quarters of the second company of the day for BISP Drill, he finally gets a run, how would he acknowledge?
via radio or MDT. 2.12.4
When is a blank CD-201 used?
The administrative unit shall complete a CIDS entry using the “Blank CD-201” for immediate entry for an imminently hazardous condition. This completed paper form shall be faxed via the chain of command with all endorsements to the Borough Commander or Command Chief. 4.1.1
What is the key difference between the submission of CIDS cards of the following two bldgs, A single bldg with Multi Address range posted and a single bldg with a multi address range and only a single address is posted?
for MULTI ADDRESS posted a CIDS entry must be made for each applicable address number listed within the multi-number address range.
For singe Address posted, CIDS entries shall be prepared for any applicable address numbers within that range as determined by the preparing unit officer.
Buildings with more than one Legal Address or AKA =It shall be the responsibility of the unit officer submitting or revising the CIDS entry to determine which additional listed addresses are applicable.
Comm Man 4.4.2
A building constructed of metal “C” joist or steel bar joist would be classified as a …
A Class 3 building renovated or repaired using any type of structural Light-Weight materials would be classified as …
A wood frame building using wood truss construction or laminated I beams would be classified as
metal C joist = CL2LW
Class 3 = CL3LW
Wood Truss = CL4LW
T?F Regarding CIDS cards, year built is mandatory?
False. If submitting or approving officers deem necessary, and space allows, the date the building was constructed or altered can also be included within the “transmitted data” 4.4.2.D.3
When a CIDS message is disapproved by the Division, what must the Battalion do in order for the admin company to be able to receive and resubmit?
The Battalion must retrieve and disapprove in order for the admin company to revise and resubmit.
A BC also has the option to “Revise and Approve” a CIDS in lieu of disapproving and returning it.
A Captain in your battalion has submitted a unit alarm assignment change addressed to the Chief of Operations, do you approve or disapprove?
All recommendations for unit alarm assignment changes shall be submitted through the chain of command to the Chief of Department for final endorsement. CM 5.5.3.C.1
An assignment of three Engine Companies, one Ladder Company, and a Battalion Chief has been dispatched. As a BC you would know that what sources have generated this alarm?
The minimum 3,1 and 1 assignment shall be dispatched to any alarm received from a single source (ERS OR telephone) reporting an incident requiring a structural response. 6.2.2
A BARS alarm, received ** IN CONJUNCTION** with an ERS or telephone report of an incident requiring a structural response, will result in the dispatch of 3,2 and 1. 6.1.3
Define Fallback Step 1 and When is the FD in Fallback Step 1 ?
Step 1: Discontinues single Engine response to NO-Contact ERS boxes between 2300 and 0800 hours. 6.4.2
All boroughs are in FALLBACK Step 1, on a daily basis from 0800 to 2300 hours. 6.4.3.Note
Define Fallback Step 2:
Step 2: Requires the dispatch of one Engine Company to all electromechanical boxes. 6.4.2.B
Define Fallback Step 3:
Step 3: Requires the dispatch of two Engines, one Ladder, and a Battalion Chief to all reported incidents requiring a structural response
(telephone/ERS). If information received indicates the need for a greater response, the dispatcher may send a full first alarm assignment.
When is an additional Ladder Company (above the Fast Truck) shall be assigned to a 10-75?
An additional Lad Co (above the Fast Truck) shall be assigned to a 10-75 when both of the two initially assigned Lad Co’s report responding with 4 firefighters. 6.9.1
The additional Lad Co. shall be the 3rd Ladder, and the 4th Ladder shall be designated as the Fast Truck.
How many additional units are assigned when 1 Four FF and 1 Five FF ladder companies are responding?
None. AUC 287 5, 6
Special calls for an additional Engine and Ladder after a Signal 75 are acceptable under the following conditions:
Fire = "not under control" = Fire = "PWH" or "UC" =
Fire “not under control”, and the requested units are to be in reserve at the scene, pending clarification of the situation.
Fire “probably will hold” or “under control”, and the requested units are for relief purposes only. 7.1.3
When does the Field Communications Satellite Unit respond? and what is their suffix on the ticket?
A Field Communications Satellite Unit shall respond to all Signal 7-5 (doubtful) for fires or emergencies involving below grade subway or railroad facilities or when requested by the IC.
Suffix = “S”
If HM1 is not available, when would a second HTMU shall be special called
to support the first HTMU ?
if an entry into a contaminated area is involved.
Rescue OR Squad not in service and assigned, Dispatcher notifies the IC and IC determines. Comm Man pg 22
Rescue AND Squad not assigned on the 10-75 and the 10-75 = doubtful the nearest Rescue AND Squad are assigned by the dispatcher. pg 23
7.8.3 Since the FDOC automatically requests the response of a DOB representative when Fire Department operations involve a building collapse, the IC should notify the dispatcher when the assistance of that agency is NOT required.
Discuss proper notification of a fatality or serious injury to a FD member.
- INITIAL notification is made to the dispatcher via “mixer off” no name no unit.
- Followed immediately by a telephone notification with full particulars to the dispatcher.
- ASAP thereafter phone FDOC
- 2.6
After you have made three attempts from another apparatus other than your own to contact the dispatcher for your OOS apparatus radio, and still receive no response, what is your next move?
Switch to the citywide frequency and advise. Still no contact, contact the Boro/citywide dispatcher via phone. 8.4.3
You now return to quarters with an OOS Apparatus radio, what next?
- Notify Battalion and Division.
- Call Dispatcher requesting the radio mechanic.
The Div supplies the unit with a Portable Citywide radio. - Company officer requests a 10-11.
The citywide radio is not to be carried/worn
by the company officer; it shall remain in the front cab of the apparatus.
If a response is received while awaiting the arrival of the citywide radio, the officer shall notify the dispatcher that the unit is responding without an
operating apparatus radio. 8.14
You are called to a Class 3 alarm for a low battery, what code is transmitted?
10-35 no code Unwarranted alarm
You are called to a Class 3 alarm for a utility power fluctuation, what code is transmitted?
You are called to a sprinkler system emergency for a defective alarm valve, what code is transmitted?
surge in pressure?
defective alarm valve = 10-34-1
surge in pressure = 10-34-2
10-38-3 for a CO emergency, readings over 9 ppm or patients symptomatic. HM4
10-38-4 for no detector present or detector present and did not activate.
No detector and patients symptomatic = what code?
At his third 10-75 on the 24 BC Drake receives info after leaving the scene that indicates that the fire is suspicious, who would he contact?
The Dispatcher and BFI via phone.
An orange tag has been placed on a victim, which 10-45 code was transmitted
Code 2 for Orange/Red
10-45-3 has what color tag?
If there is no water or insufficient pressure at at the standpipe outlet what radio transmission would you expect to hear?
- Urgent, urgent urgent, Eng 280 to command, Urgent.
- IC responds
- no water at standpipe outlet on the 15 floor, Eng 280 is affected.
An Urgent message to the dispatcher shall also be made.
When a reliable and uninterrupted flow of water has been supplied to the nozzle at the correct operating pressure, the IC shall notify all units on the scene and the borough dispatcher.
Regarding the 10-66 signal, who is the fab five and where do they report?
1 additional Rescue Company 1 additional Squad Company 1 SOC Support Ladder Company 1 additional FAST Unit 1 CFR Engine Company (additional, if one was previously assigned, i.e., 10-76 or 10-77)
Guidelines for transmitting Signal 10-80 No Code include:
A. Release is of a Small quantity
B. The material and its hazards have been Identified
C. Firefighters’ PPE provides adequate protection against the hazards
D. Special equipment and specialized training are not needed. pg 8-21