FireTech 2013 Flashcards
FACT: A report missing a member’s signature and/or narrative is not a reason to return for clarification. Completed reports may be missing a member’s signature and/or narrative.
FACT: Reports listed as “Not Completed” are those reports that have been initiated by the Supervisor, but are lacking complete information. No action by the Reviewer is required at this time.
Regarding Hybrid vehicles most, high voltage cables are color-coded … and SOME are color coded …
most orange some blue
Many hybrid vehicles use a keyless start system. Make sure the ignition is OFF and the key or key fob is at least
15 feet away from the vehicle.
As a BC with a reserve apparatus in your battalion, a Report documenting the loss of equipment on the reserve would come from the … and the lost property report would come from ….
Report to Chief of Department would come from the Officer housing the reserve documenting the missing items and circumstances of the loss. The lost property report would come from the officer of the reserve apparatus.
Deactivation of transformers shall be performed only by AUC 266 6.4.2
Con Edison Personnel or Engineering Personnel of the .premises familiar with procedure.
When two handlines are operating on an advanced fire in a store, Taxpayers 5.7.4
special call an extra engine and ladder
Extension to the cockloft, adjoining occupancy or for an advanced fire in the cellar of a taxpayer ..
Transmit a second alarm
What are the most common types of wood construction used for sloping roofs?
Timber Truss, Plank and beam and rafter construction.
Which wooden roof construction has the largest unsupported roof deck?
The truss roof, followed by the plank and beam.
Hip roofs have how many primary structural members?
9 total. 4 Bearing walls (NEW INFO) one ridge rafter and 4 hip rafters
A canopy is _________ dangerous than a marquee?
More. The most dangerous type of canopy is a metal or wood shed suspended over a truck loading area.
At each elevator landing, the activation of smoke detector, temperature this device AND a sprinkler water flow alarm shall:
- Recall the elevators. 2. Sound the fire alarm signal on the FIRE FLOOR AND FLOOR ABOVE. 3. Cause a fire alarm signal to be transmitted to the Fire Department via a central station. 4. Cause a fire alarm signal to be sounded at the fire command station, the mechanical control center and the regularly assigned location of the fire safety director. 5. Stop the air supply into and the RETURN air from the floor where activated. 6. Activate the air exhaust fans and dampers in the smoke shaft or the pressurizing fans in the stair enclosure. 7. Unlock the doors on the locked fail safe system.
Greater alarm (engines or ladder) or special called (engines or ladder companies after the fourth arriving ladder company shall report to the
ICP in the lobby or if staffed, the Lobby Control Unit. Upon the establishment of a Staging Area outside the building, units will report into the Staging Area.
Units without specific orders to the contrary shall bring SCBAs, rolled up lengths and spare SCBA cylinders to
the lobby area. If not required for their specific use, such equipment will be added to Forward Staging Area supply
Who will activate the Building ARCS? How?
1st arriving Ladder Company. At fire command station with 1620 key or on off switch.
If the FDNY vehicle cross band repeater fails to operate or is not available, the Incident Commander should attempt
Post Radio to Post Radio communications
If post radio to post radio communication fail after the repeater has failed what is the next step?
Direct a member to a Battalion vehicle in order to contact the Fire Sector/Branch on the 40 watt FDNY mobile UHF radio to relay messages. Designate a member with a Post radio to take a position outside the building to relay messages. If all Post radio options fail to provide a viable communications link, then utilize the ARCS as follows to establish a Command Channel: 1. If building is equipped with a duplex UHF radio repeater system, designate a member to contact all established Posts (Fire Sector/Branch, SAE Group, Forward SA) to set a HT to Channels 11 or 12 and use the building duplex UHF radio repeater system as the Command Channel or 2. Use the in-house proprietary radio channel as the Command Channel. If Post to Post radio communication is viable, the ARCS should still be established as a backup
The operation, shut down or change of any building system shall not be done without the permission of?
The IC or Operation Section Chief. The operation of bldg systems must be done with the assistance of bldg personnel.
When is the Air Support Plan activated?
Air Support Plan is for the ARC. Doubtful second alarm 10-76 0r 77 10 – 60 All doubtful third alarms.
When is the Air Rescue Plan for Hi-Rise structures put into Alert Phase?
Doubtful third alarm associated with a 10 – 76 or 77. No movement of HRRC or HRRT at this time.
HRRC obtains what info from the IC thru the dispatcher while responding to the mobilization point?
Progress Report Id attack and evacuation stairs Id stairs that lead to the roof
Who operates on the TAC U channel, ch 13?
What is a dwarf partition wall? Dunn ch. 21
These walls extend only to the underside of the ceiling and do not stop or limit fire spread above the ceiling.
When is a post fire analysis conducted?
A member is killed An explosion, back draft or BLEVE occurs A structural failure occurs where a FF was injured A large loss caused by fire
According to Dunn what is the most important strategy and tactical consideration at a fire?
Water supply and pressure
According to Brannigan, what are two examples of Cold Drawn Steel and what temp does it fail?
Cables used to brace failing buildings or tendons used in tensioned concrete. 800 F.
According to Brannigan, what happens as the length of a beam increases?
The beams load carrying capacity decreases proportionately. A 12’ beam can carry ½ the load of a 6’ beam.
According to Brannigan, regarding width, when another 2x4 is laid alongside a similar 2x4 what happens to the carrying capacity?
It is increased by a factor of 2
Can the HT recorder system record all HT channel?
NO, Channel 9 is not recorded. It is a digital channel.
Can a Battalion vehicle be left unattended and still running?
Yes, All battalion vehicles are equipped with a “Secure Idle System.” Battalion vehicles must be left running at fire and emergency operations to ensure Battalion Recorders continue to function for the duration of the incident.
Is the Cross Band Repeater installed in all Battalion vehicles?
NO, Some Battalion vehicles.
Where is the RCO during an Emergency Roll Call?
The RCO and the member assisting and filling out the pre-printed form, should be in an area away from the Command Post.
According to Dunn, the light weight metal grid system with removalable panels of a suspended ceiling presents what type of hazard?
An entanglement hazard.
According to Branningan, in a brick bearing wall, headers can be seen usually every _____ row.
7th row.
When is a 2 1/2 used at a PD?
Consider stretching a 2½ inch hoseline for a faster knock down, greater reach of stream,
increased volume of water and increased exposure protection.
Note: A 2½ inch hoseline shall also be considered when encountering a wind impacted fire.
Engine Company Responsibilities
In order of highest to least priority, first alarm engine companies are to:
Extinguish active fire in the affected building and surrounding debris.
Protect exposures.
Extinguish burning vehicles within the vicinity of the collapse.
At scenes where there is no active fire, stretch and charge precautionary
2½” lines in sufficient number and length to cover the entire operation.
In addition, a 3½” line shall be stretched and charged to supply the first
arriving tower ladder.
At a suspected terrorist event, 2½” hoselines should be located between two
apparatus, or other substantial shielding, to protect personnel from
secondary blasts set to injure emergency responders.
Which Engine Company arriving on the first alarm at a collapse should ensure a 3 1/2 supply line is stretched to the 1st TL?
2nd Engine
At bldg collapse, who would you expect to be Assisting in the removal of lightly buried victims.
7.4 Third and Subsequent Arriving Engines
Bldg Collapse 1st Ladder, does what type of void search?
Visually search accessible voids - DO NOT cut, lift or remove load
bearing members. Call and listen.
Building Collapse 10-60
8.3 The first arriving Deputy Chief becomes the Incident Commander and the first arriving
Battalion Chief can be reassigned …
as the Planning Section Chief.
Regarding building collapse At construction or demolition sites, seek out the _______ for information about previous conditions.
Regarding the use of wood forms for support of concrete - buildings under construction, who could state when concrete was exactly poured? SB 66
According to Dunn, who is consulted to determine the structural stability of the formwork?
FFP Collpase = the Site Safety Manager or
Construction Manager
SB 66 = a construction engineer, building superintendent or
concrete foreman he states exactly the time that the concrete was poured, arriving units should assume that it was sometime within the prior 24 hours.
Dunn = The construction shoring foreman.
According to Dunn, where should an observer be positioned at a building collapse?
At the point of the shoring to monitor the structural member continuously for further movement. pg 98 breakdown
Notebooks are kept for ONE year.
Reading list is continued for THREE years.
Notebook is reviewed by member weekly, OOD each tour member works, Co Cmdr monthly, Chiefs during drill visits.
notebook in company office.
lost / destroyed notebook = letterhead to Division.
Reading Schedule
when member reads = initial and date
OOD when member drills on
Co Cmdr once a month
Chiefs = no mention of reading schedule
Foam Stretch largest available hose to the cannon. Under no condition should hose less than ___” be used to supply the Foam Cannon.
Stretch _____ hose from the Foam Carrier to the Portable Reservoir. Secure the hose to the
top of the reservoir.
The _____________ shall order the delivery of foam concentrate to the
Portable Reservoir and _____ will order water started.
The Cannon on an eductor setting of 3 will use 35 gallons of concentrate to produce 970 gallons of solution per minute. A 1000-gallon booster tank will last about 30 minutes educting at an approximate 3% solution.
2 1/2 to suppy foam cannon
1 3/4 foam carrier to portable reservoir
Chief in Command, Chief
An MV-104 shall be prepared for which situations?
It is completed within 10 days. It is the express responsiblility of the vehicle operator.
An Accident resulting in a death or personal injury.
Total of $1000 or more to the property of any one person.
Value of damage cannont be estimated.
Regarding entering the tracks from the Light Train, who will notify FD Units that the power is confirmed off?
The Transit Authority will notify the FD Unit on the Light Train directly and the Chief thru FD Dispatcher. Add 7, 2.3
Regarding fire in the track area, where should other members acting as safety people be stationed?
on the platform where the benchwall is located, and also on the opposite platform. 5.4.2
Regaring contact shoes of subway cars, if any contact shoe is on the third rai, what is energized?
All the contact shoes of THAT CAR will be energized. 8.2
Regarding energized electrical equipment is water applied to equipement that has been involved in fire?
The purpose of applying water streams to exposed electrical components is to prevent
collateral damage to the surrounding equipment. Electrical equipment that is or has been
involved in fire has no useful value and is replaced by Con Edison. Handlines shall never be used.
Who can authorize the use of water streams at a Con Ed Generating facilities?
This decision can only be made by a Chief Officer above the rank of Deputy Chief (or a Deputy Chief operating as Car 421 or Car 422) in consultation with the Con Edison White Hat at the scene.
What are the minimum safe operating distances for applying water on energized
or de-energized electrical components:
__ feet on live 138 kV electrical components for 30° or greater FOG streams.
__ feet on live 138 kV electrical components for 30° or greater fog feet on live 138 kV electrical components for all STRAIGHT or SOLID streams and streams less than 30° fog. This distance is equal to approximately (1½) lengths of hose.
__feet on live 345 kV electrical components for 30° or greater fog streams
__ feet on live 345 kV electrical components for all straight or solid streams
and streams less than 30° fog.
15 feet on live 138 kV FOG stream
75 feet on 138 kV solid stream
25 feet on 345 kV FOG stream
125 feet on 345 kC solid stream
Can the AquaStream fog nozzle be used for Con Ed energized electrical equipment?
NO,The Aquastream Master Stream Nozzle carried by all Aerial Ladder and Engine Companies is factory pre-set to a fog stream pattern of 130 degrees. This nozzle shall not be used because it does not provide enough stream penetration to allow for maintaining safe operating distances.
At least one tower ladder shall be special called to EVERY major collapse.
Not every collapse.
According to Dunn, the light weight metal grid system with removalable panels of a suspended ceiling presents what type of hazard?
An entanglement hazard.
According to Branningan, in a brick bearing wall, headers can be seen usually every _____ row.
7th row.
When is a 2 1/2 used at a PD?
Consider stretching a 2½ inch hoseline for a faster knock down, greater reach of stream,
increased volume of water and increased exposure protection.
Note: A 2½ inch hoseline shall also be considered when encountering a wind impacted fire.
Engine Company Responsibilities
In order of highest to least priority, first alarm engine companies are to:
Extinguish active fire in the affected building and surrounding debris.
Protect exposures.
Extinguish burning vehicles within the vicinity of the collapse.
At scenes where there is no active fire, stretch and charge precautionary
2½” lines in sufficient number and length to cover the entire operation.
In addition, a 3½” line shall be stretched and charged to supply the first
arriving tower ladder.
At a suspected terrorist event, 2½” hoselines should be located between two
apparatus, or other substantial shielding, to protect personnel from
secondary blasts set to injure emergency responders.
Which Engine Company arriving on the first alarm at a collapse should ensure a 3 1/2 supply line is stretched to the 1st TL?
2nd Engine
Same as fire in Cellar at a Taxpayer.
At bldg collapse, who would you expect to be Assisting in the removal of lightly buried victims.
7.4 Third and Subsequent Arriving Engines
Bldg Collapse 1st Ladder, does what type of void search?
Visually search accessible voids - DO NOT cut, lift or remove load
bearing members. Call and listen.
Building Collapse 10-60
8.3 The first arriving Deputy Chief becomes the Incident Commander and the first arriving
Battalion Chief can be reassigned …
as the Planning Section Chief.
Regarding building collapse At construction or demolition sites, seek out the _______ for information about previous conditions.
Regarding the use of wood forms for support of concrete - buildings under construction, who could state when concrete was exactly poured? SB 66
According to Dunn, who is consulted to determine the structural stability of the formwork?
FFP Collpase = the Site Safety Manager or
Construction Manager
SB 66 = a construction engineer, building superintendent or
concrete foreman he states exactly the time that the concrete was poured, arriving units should assume that it was sometime within the prior 24 hours.
Dunn = The construction shoring foreman.
According to Dunn, where should an observer be positioned at a building collapse?
At the point of the shoring to monitor the structural member continuously for further movement. pg 98 breakdown
Notebooks are kept for ONE year.
Reading list is continued for THREE years.
Notebook is reviewed by member weekly, OOD each tour member works, Co Cmdr monthly, Chiefs during drill visits.
notebook in company office.
lost / destroyed notebook = letterhead to Division.
Reading Schedule
when member reads = initial and date
OOD when member drills on
Co Cmdr once a month
Chiefs = no mention of reading schedule
Foam Stretch largest available hose to the cannon. Under no condition should hose less than ___” be used to supply the Foam Cannon.
Stretch _____ hose from the Foam Carrier to the Portable Reservoir. Secure the hose to the
top of the reservoir.
The _____________ shall order the delivery of foam concentrate to the
Portable Reservoir and _____ will order water started.
The Cannon on an eductor setting of 3 will use 35 gallons of concentrate to produce 970 gallons of solution per minute. A 1000-gallon booster tank will last about 30 minutes educting at an approximate 3% solution.
2 1/2 to suppy foam cannon
1 3/4 foam carrier to portable reservoir
Chief in Command, Chief
An MV-104 shall be prepared for which situations?
It is completed within 10 days. It is the express responsiblility of the vehicle operator.
An Accident resulting in a death or personal injury.
Total of $1000 or more to the property of any one person.
Value of damage cannont be estimated.
Regarding entering the tracks from the Light Train, who will notify FD Units that the power is confirmed off?
The Transit Authority will notify the FD Unit on the Light Train directly and the Chief thru FD Dispatcher. Add 7, 2.3
Regarding fire in the track area, where should other members acting as safety people be stationed?
on the platform where the benchwall is located, and also on the opposite platform. 5.4.2
Regaring contact shoes of subway cars, if any contact shoe is on the third rai, what is energized?
All the contact shoes of THAT CAR will be energized. 8.2
Regarding energized electrical equipment is water applied to equipement that has been involved in fire?
The purpose of applying water streams to exposed electrical components is to prevent
collateral damage to the surrounding equipment. Electrical equipment that is or has been
involved in fire has no useful value and is replaced by Con Edison. Handlines shall never be used.
Who can authorize the use of water streams at a Con Ed Generating facilities?
This decision can only be made by a Chief Officer above the rank of Deputy Chief (or a Deputy Chief operating as Car 421 or Car 422) in consultation with the Con Edison White Hat at the scene.
What are the minimum safe operating distances for applying water on energized
or de-energized electrical components:
__ feet on live 138 kV electrical components for 30° or greater FOG streams.
__ feet on live 138 kV electrical components for 30° or greater fog feet on live 138 kV electrical components for all STRAIGHT or SOLID streams and streams less than 30° fog. This distance is equal to approximately (1½) lengths of hose.
__feet on live 345 kV electrical components for 30° or greater fog streams
__ feet on live 345 kV electrical components for all straight or solid streams
and streams less than 30° fog.
15 feet on live 138 kV FOG stream
75 feet on 138 kV solid stream
25 feet on 345 kV FOG stream
125 feet on 345 kC solid stream
Can the AquaStream fog nozzle be used for Con Ed energized electrical equipment?
NO,The Aquastream Master Stream Nozzle carried by all Aerial Ladder and Engine Companies is factory pre-set to a fog stream pattern of 130 degrees. This nozzle shall not be used because it does not provide enough stream penetration to allow for maintaining safe operating distances.
The possibility of run-off water from a Con Edison facility being charged with electrical
current is
extremely remote. 7.11
The possibility of run-off water from a Con Edison facility being charged with electrical
current is
extremely remote. 7.11