AUC 349 Smoke Control Using Positive Pressure Fans Flashcards
Smoke Control Using Positive Pressure Fans
When will a PPF equipped unit be dispatched? (3.1)
On a 10-77 signal or special called as per the I.C.
Which of the following equipment will the Ventilation Support Group bring to the ICP? (4.1)
a. 27 inch Tempest Fan w/ exhaust hoses
b. Eye/Ear Protection
c. Dave Clark headset & HT’s
d. CO Monitors
e. Elevator Keys
f. Halligan
g. Heavy Axe
h. door chocks
i. hand lights
k. Full PPE
The V.S.G. will bring ALL of the items to the ICP.
Fill in the appropriate Vent Group Designation for the associated Ladder Co position. (6.1) Officer \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Members Operating Fans in Lobby \_\_\_\_\_\_ Members Operating Below Fire Fl \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Members Operating At The Roof \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
Officer- Vent Group Supervisor
Lobby- Vent Group Lobby Unit
Below Fire Floor- Vent Group Fire Unit
Roof- Vent Group Roof
True or False
Once stairwell pressurization is underway, providing positive results are indicated, the Vent Group Supervisor may direct Group members to other duties. (6.4)
PPF’s in operation shall never be left unattended.
What do you do if negative results are encountered? (6.4)
Throttle fans down to idle, close door to stairwell that the fan is pressurizing. I.C. must be notified when fans have been deactivated and doors secured.
What is the Dave Clark headset? (6.4)
Handie talkie headsets to be used in conjunction with fan operations.
Put the following statements in priority order. (6.5)
- Ventilating the public hallways for smoke & CO control
- Pressurize evacuation stair for smoke & CO control
- Pressurize attack stair to support the fire attack by controlling the smoke condition at the attack stair doorway and throughout the attack stairway.
Pressurization of the attack stair is most effective if done _________ the fire attack.
a. immediately prior
b. simultaneously with
c. immediately after
b. simultaneously with
Placement of the fan to pressurize a stairwell will be accomplished by placing a fan ______ from the doorway on the ground at an angle of _____ degrees. (7.2)
4-6 ft away @ an 80 degree angle
Can you utilize an exterior door (one that does not open to the lobby)to pressurize a stairwell? (7.3)
The pressure created will allow up to ____ doors to be opened on the attack stairway and still operate effectively.
Up to 3 doors
1 fan can provide proper pressure in a stairwell up to ____ stories. 2 fans will pressurize a ____ story building when properly positioned.
1 fan, 10 stories.
2 fans, 40 stories.
If a fire is above the 10th floor, the second fan should be positioned ______. (7.3)
3 floors below the fire floor
In buildings over 40 stories, the I.C. should consider _______________. (7.3)
Calling an additional Ventilation Support Group.
When a stair needs to ventilated prior to commitment to the fire floor, how do you do this? (7.5)
Pressurize from the ground floor (or alternate site), will all doors closed.
Have a member at the roof open the bulkhead door (burping the bulkhead) until the smoke clears for approximately 60 seconds.
What purpose do the exhaust hoses serve? (7.8)
Helps to eliminate CO created by the fans.
Sequential Ventilation:
How do you successfully ventilate the evacuation stair? (8.1)
Pressurize the evacuation stair, open the door to the fire floor. Open the attack stair door on fire floor, moving smoke out of the evacuation stair, across the fire floor and up the attack stair venting from the open attack stair bulkhead door.
Where should the fans be placed for sequential ventilation? (8.2)
On the exterior of the building with exhaust hoses in place.
If CO levels are in the ___ to ___ ppm range, gasoline powered PPF’s will not significantly reduce those levels due to the emissions produced by the fans. (8.2 note)
0-60 ppm.
You are looking to ventilate a large area such as a supermarket. Where would you place the PPF’s? (9.2)
As close to the fire area as possible, venting out of an exhaust opening as high as possible. Use an inlet to introduce fresh air to the structure. Rule of thumb: the exhaust opening should be twice the size of the inlet where the fan is placed..
One 27 inch gasoline powered fan moves approximately ____ times more air than the 16 inch electric box fan? (9.2)
5 times. The math is wrong in the book- don’t fight it. 27 inch fan moves 24,000 cfm. 16 inch moves 3400 cfm.
3400 x 5 = 17,000 cfm
3400 x 7 = 23,800 cfm
JUST REMEMBER………. 5 times more!!!
Notes: Never move a fan while in operation. Use 2 members to lift a fan. Never refuel indoors. Inspected & started daily on the 9x6 tour. Run them for 5 minutes at MUD, weekly.
See other side