irreversible binomials Flashcards
black and white
папа и мама
Mom and Dad
коротко и ясно
short and sweet
взлеты и падения
ups and downs
плюсы и минусы
pros and cons
жив и здоров
alive and well
соль и перец
salt and pepper
рано или поздно
sooner or later
никоим образом, ни в каком виде
in no way ,shape or form
я сам по себе
me ,myself and I
аккуратный и опрятный
neat and tidy
ноздря в ноздрю
neck and neck
They finished the race neck and neck
износ и износ
wear and tear
The tables in the canteen take a lot of wear and tear
ушиблинный(физ/ эмоц)
black and blue
After the match,the player’s legs were black and blue
здесь, и там, и повсюду
here and there and everywhere
at sixes and sevens
не похожи друг на друга
chalk and chees
crowds and noise
толчея и суета
hustle and bustle
по частям
dribbs and drabs
The money for the charity appeal came dribs and drabs,but we reached out target in the end
hard work
blood, sweat and tears
many times(suggests irritation)
time after time
I’ve asked you time after time not to do that
wax and wane
Her interest in painting waxed and waned over the years
completely (usually used for people)(4)
through and through
to the bone
from top to bottom
every small place
every nook and cranny
We had a great holiday and explored every nook and cranny of the island