collocations Flashcards
искать возмездия
seek retribution
в соСТоЯНиИ наркотической зависимости
in the throw/state of addiction
в другой конце страны
on the other side of the country.
передать эстафету
pass the torch
The best way forward is to pass the torch to our new generation.
набирать обороты
gain momentum
жертва чего -либо
Consider him a casualty of war
Считайте его жертвой войны.
дух приключений
spirit of adventure
провести всестороннее исследование
conduct comprenensive study
выполняйте с абсолютной точностью
perform with absolute precision
выполняйте с абсолютной точностью
perform with absolute precision
заглушить его крайнее одиночество
stifle one’s extreme loneliness
составьте договор/контракт
draw up a contract
Our lawyer drew up a country for us to sign.
упустить свой шанс(2)
pass up/squander the chance
I didn’t want to pass up the chance of seeing Hong Kong so I agreed to go on a trip.
to bear=
The police officer’s vest can withstand the impact of a bullet.
возможность появилась
opportunity arose
An opportunity arose for me to work in China so I went and spent a year there.
стандарты снизились
standards slipped
People feel educational standards slipped when the government cut finances.
Unusually large number happening in close succession.
spate of attacks/thefts
There has been a spate of attacks in our area recently.
шквал вопросов /оскорблений
a barrage of questions
The minister had to put up with a barrage of questions from the angry audience.
по счастливой случайности
By a stroke of luck, I found my keys in the rubbish bin.
фрагмент информации
snippet of information
She gave me a snippet of information which she stopped secret.
пустая угроза
idle threat
This is not an idle threat, I will call the police if this happens again.
тщетная надежда
vain hope
He waited in the way in vain hope that the minister would meet him.
growing concern etc
mounting concern/criticism /fury
There is mounting concern/criticism /fury over the decision.
чрезвычайно личный
intensely personal
The article provides an intensely personal account of the writer’s relationship with his sons.
потрясающе привлекательный э
stunningly attractive
Joe’s sister was a stunningly attractive woman.
С треском провалился.
Failed miserably.
Вести машину безрассудно(2)
Drive recklessly/like a maniac
Разразился песней.
Burst into song.
As soon as the singer came on the stage, she burst into song.
с пеной у рта
foam at the mouth
If your dog starts to foam at the mouth, you should take it to the vet immediately.
оставить прошлое позади
put the past behind you
It’s time you put the past behind you and started focusing on the future.
недавно получивший квалификацию преподаватель.
A newly qualified teacher.
Общеобразовательная школа.
Comprehensive school.
В ожидании результатов.
Pending the results.
источник дохода
source of income
сбалансировать весы правосудия
rebalance scales of justice
категорически противоречить
flatly contradict
заклятые враги
bitter enemies
пробудить чей-то интерес
arouse someone’s interest
провести семинар
conduct a seminar
мудрые слова
words of wisdom
мудрые слова
words of wisdom
смягчить смены часовых поясов
mitigate jet lag
сторонник соблюдения правил
stickler for rules
одержать сокрушительную победу
win in a landslide
Опытный художник.
Accomplished painter.
свадебный ритуал
wedding ritual
Подпишите прошение о помиловании.
Sign a petition for mercy.
смягчающие обстоятельства(2)
mitigating circumstances
extenuating circumstance
отягчающие обстоятельства
aggravating circumstances
Ненастная погода
Inclement weather
каштановые волосы
auburn hair
безумно счастлив.
deliriously happy.
.объявить заседание открытым
adjourn the meeting
The chairperson adjourned the meeting
Председатель объявил заседание закрытым
я в целом согласен кое с кем
i’m in broad agreement with someone
прозрачный намек(2)
a transparent /broad hint
категорически не согласен
vehemently disagree.
Превозносить добродетели
Extol virtues
налаживать отношения
forge relationships
Лишите дара речи.
Render speechless.
сокрушительная атака
scathing attack
в блаженном неведении.
Blissfully unaware.
в блаженном неведении.
Blissfully unaware.
Возродить страсть.
Rekindle passion.
выполнять СВОИ обязанности
perform duties
Неразрывно переплетенные.(2)
Inextricably intertwined/linked
Разбросанные по всему полу.
Scattered all over the floor.
идти на риск
run the risk
идти быстрым шагом
Walking at a brisk pace
walk briskly
система взимания платы за проезд
toll system
неубедительное оправдание
lame excuse
сесть на мель
run aground
go viral
в приподнятом настроении
In high spirits
с величайшим уважением относятся к
have their highest regard for
давать свидетельские показания
give testimony
паутина лжи
A web of lies
рассеянное вождение
distracted driving
Надлежащий надзор.
Adequate supervision.
глоток свежего воздуха
A breath of fresh air
глоток воды
a sip of water
пить залпом
drink in one gulp
пролить свет на ситуацию
cast light on a situation
принять ответсвенность на себя
Although others were also responsible for the
shoulder the blame problem, Alice decided to SHOULDER THE BLAME
foot the bill
Choose what you like from the menu - the company is FOOTING THE BILL
foot the bill
Choose what you like from the menu - the
foot the bill
leads a project group=
head a team
Jo heads a team working on crime prevention.
makes her stay active and concentrated
keep someone on their toes
Having three sons under the age of five keeps
Jana on her toes.
happens at the same time or as a result of (идти рука об руку)
go hand in hand with
Unemployment goes hand in hand with social
go hand in hand with
тяжелое бремя
heavy burden
чувствовать себя беззаботным и счастливым
feel carefree and happy.
If you read something with a light heart, you feel carefree and happy.
ничтожный шанс(2)
slim/fat chance
поспешить с выводами
jump to the conclusion
Внести предложение(2)
Make suggestion
make a proposal.
Внести вклад.
Make a contribution.
Принести официальные извинения.
Make a formal apology.
внести улучшения
make improvements
организовать/ спланировать/ подготовить
make arrangements
заниматься исследованиями
do research
взять за привычку…
make a habit of…switching off the light
заводить врагов
make enemies
добиться успеха в
make a success of
I hope they’ll make a success of their new restaurant business.
сбежать пораньше
Make an early escape.
I have to go to a party for a college after work, but I will try and make an early escape.
Сделать открытие.
Make a discovery.
Произвести расчеты.
Make calculations.
освободить место для ( пианино)
make a room for…
If we move the sofa closer to the window, it will make room for the piano.
познакомиться лично ( formal )
made ones acquaintance.
I first made his acquaintance when he moved in next door.
выступить против
Make a stand against.
We must make a stand against the casino they proposed to build here.
устроить протест
stage(make a protest
The students stage a protest against rising tuition fees.
подать жалобу(2)
lodge/make a complaint
Several people have lodged a complaint about the receptionist rudiness.
сделать прибыль(2)
turn(make a profit
This month our company should turn a profit for the first time.
invent (a term) (2)
coin a term
make up a term
рассказать о
give an account of
In her lecture Lucia gave an account of her trip to the Andes.
рассказать о
give an account of
In her lecture Lucia gave an account of her trip to the Andes.
convey the idea of
прозвучать сообщению о
get the message about
The speech got the message about the policy changes across.
(formal) used when making an official statement of death
to be pronounced dead
He was pronounced dead at 1.10.
(formal) = transfer knowledge(2)
The old man tried to impart his knowledge/wisdom to his sons.
(formal = make something secretive known;
divulge ones sources.
That journalist gets amazing stories but he won’t divulge his sources.
also divulge a secret
(formal = spreading informator
to a lot of people
disseminating information.
The internet is a powerful means of disseminating information.
(formal) = officially inform
notify of
We notified the police of the burglary.
настаивать на своей невиновности
protest ones innocence
Although found guilty, Robson continued to protest his innocence.
заявлять о незнании чего либо
profess ignorance of
He professed ignorance of the dent to the car but I think he was lying.
Он утверждал, что не знал о вмятине на машине, но я думаю, что он лгал.
(formal) accept the decision(2)
abide by the decision’
submit to the decision
The Justice Minister said he would abide by the decision’ of the High Court to free the prisoner.
(formal) start work in anew place
take up the office
The new regional governor will take up office on March, following his party’s recent election victor,
действуя по наводке
Acting on a tip-off
Acting on a tip-off, Erdogan had been whisked away from the resort by helicopter.
The police, acting on a tip-off, arrested the thieves as they left the building.
подать на развод
fill for divorce
Hollywood star Glenda Nixon has filed for divorce*. She and her husband Kevin Lomax have lived apart for the last six months.
впитывать/ окунуться у в атмосферу
soak up the atmosphere
A:It was great just sitting in the sunshine and enjoying the feel of the place, wasn’t it?
B: Yes, it was nice to just sit there soaking up the atmosphere.
придерживаться (принципов,идеалов)
adhere to principles / beliefs / ideals / a philosophy
расправить крылья
spread wings
придерживаться принципов/ идеалов
adhere to principles/ideals
переговорная пОзИЦИЯ(2)
negotiating position
bargaining position
съемочное оборудование
shooting equipment
пренебрежительно е отношение(2)
disdainful attitude
dismissive attitude
глубокой ночью
in the dead of night
дом престарелых(2)
nursing home
retirement home
В память о старых временах.
For old time’s sake.
Признаки растущего недовольства.
Signs of growing discontent.
низкий уровень рождаемости
low birth rate
разоблачать слабость
expose weakness
призывать к сдержанности
urge restraint
-But critics urge restraint.
-He said that security officials had been caught unprepared and had tried in vain to urge restraint.
отразить вторжение
repel incursion
это равносильно тюремному заключению
tantamount to prison
приводят к дорожным заторам
enduce to traffic congestion