Introduction to Peds Flashcards
What is the age range of a pediatric?
Birth to 18
What are the names of the meninges?
- Dura mater - toughest layer
- Arachnoid mater
- Pia mater
Between what meninges does CSF live?
Arachnoid and pia
The anterior fontanelle is formed by the junction of what sutures?
Frontal, coronal, sagittal
How long is the anterior fontanelle open for?
2 years
What gives the brain its surface area?
Gyri and sulci
What are the fissures and what do they separate?
- Longitudinal - separates L and R lobes
- Lateral/sylvian - separates frontal and parietal from temporal
- Parieto-occipital - separates occipital from parietal
- Central - Separates parietal from frontal
- Transverse - separates cerebrum from cerebellum
In what fissure lies the falx cerebri?
What fold of dura separates the cerebrum from cerebellum?
What meningeal layer contains venous sinuses?
Dura mater
What is the falx cerebri?
Fold of dura that runs along the longitudinal fissure
What sinuses run along the falx cerebri?
Inferior and superior sagittal sinus
What sinus lies within the tentorium cerebelli?
Transverse sinus
What does the falx cerebelli divide?
Two cerebellar hemispheres
What structure connects the arachnoid mater to pia mater?
Arachnoid trabeculae
What is the function of arachnoid granulations?
Site where CSF is absorbed into the bloodstream
How can you determine on ultrasound if fluid is in the subarachnoid space or subdural space?
If there are vessels crossing the fluid, it is the subarachnoid space. If not, its in the subdural space
What duct connect the lateral ventricles to 3rd ventricle?
Foramen of Monroe / interventricular foramina
What duct connects the 3rd and 4th ventricle?
Aqueduct of sylvius / cerebral aqueduct
What does the fourth ventricle drain into?
Foramina or luschka and magendie
CSF is reabsorbed by the arachnoid granulations into what sinus?
Superior sinuses
What is the region on the lateral ventricle where the occipital, anterior, and temporal regions join?
Trigone AKA atrium
What is the function of the CP?
Produce and regulate CSF
What part of the CP is CSF mostly produced and is also the largest part of the CP?
Where does the CP taper?
Caudothalamic groove
CP does NOT extend into what?
Frontal or occipital horns
What is the largest white matter structure in the brain?
Corpus callosum
Corpus callosum allows communication between what?
R and L sides of the cerebrum
Corpus callosum forms the roof of what ventricles?
Lateral and 3rd
What are the 4 divisions of the corpus callosum from anterior to posterior?
- Rostrum - anterior
- Genu
- Body
- Splenium - posterior
What is the thalamus?
Paired gray matter structures located between the cerebrum and midbrain
Function of the thalamus?
Relay nerve impulses from sensory information
Is the caudate nucleus made of gray or white matter?
What ventricle does the cisterna magna communicate with?
What is the posterior extension of the CSP in premies called?
Cavum vergae
When should the CSP be closed completely?
6-8 months old
When does the closure of the CSP begin?
About 6 months