Introduction to Microbiology Flashcards
Study of microorganisms, or microbes, a diverse group of generally minute, simple life-forms that are too small to be seen by the naked eyes; bacteria, archaea, algae, fungi, protozoa, and viruses.
Study of microbial pathogens that are considered health threats to people
Clinical Microbiology
Studies the practical application and use of beneficial microorganisms in food processing
Food Microbiology
study of protozoans; the simplest and most primitive forms of animal life.
study of fungi
study of bacteria
study of rickettsiae, which are considered traditional organisms between
bacteria and viruses
study of virus
His studies of the mode of syphilis transmission are an early example of epidemiology.
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek,Girolamo Fracastoro, Robert Koch, Joseph Lister, Hans Christian Gram, Alexander Fleming
Girolamo Fracastoro
Discovered the bacteria, free-living and parasitic microscopic protest, sperm cells, blood cells, parasites, and fungi
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek,Girolamo Fracastoro, Robert Koch, Joseph Lister, Hans Christian Gram, Alexander Fleming
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Introduced carbolic acid as a chemical sterilizing agent for surgical instruments. He also said “Bacteria must never gain entry to an open wound”
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek,Girolamo Fracastoro, Robert Koch, Joseph Lister, Hans Christian Gram, Alexander Fleming
Joseph Lister
Known for his development of Gram Stain; a standard technique to classify bacteria and make them visible under the microscope.
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek,Girolamo Fracastoro, Robert Koch, Joseph Lister, Hans Christian Gram, Alexander Fleming
Hans Christian Gram
Discovered Penicillin G (benzylpenicillin).
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek,Girolamo Fracastoro, Robert Koch, Joseph Lister, Hans Christian Gram, Alexander Fleming
Alexander Fleming
He identified the specific causative agent of tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax.
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek,Girolamo Fracastoro, Robert Koch, Joseph Lister, Hans Christian Gram, Alexander Fleming
Robert Koch
with a true nucleus containing the cells’ genetic materials.
Eukaryotic cells
without true nucleus and have free-floating genetic materials
Prokaryotic cells
It gives shape to the bacteria, composed mainly of peptidoglycan and it determines the gram stain reaction
Cell wall
_________ is a special staining method done for those microorganisms that are not staining by simple or Gram staining method particularly the member of genus Mycobacterium.
Acid-fast stain
Primary dye - Carbol fuschin -Red (Acid-fast and Non-Acid fast). True or False
Counter stain - Methylene blue - Blue (Acid-fast), Red ( Non-Acid fast). True or False
False [Red (Acid-fast), Blue ( Non-Acid fast)]
Decolorizer - Acid alcohol - Red (Acid-fast), Yellow ( Non-Acid fast). True or False
False [Red (Acid-fast), Colorless ( Non-Acid fast)]
What are the 2 dyeing procedures?
Ziehl-Neelsen (Hot Stain) and Kinyoun (Cold Stain)
alkaline methylene
blue is used to counterstain in Ziehl-Neelsen procedure only. True or False
False (both procedures)
Lipoprotein layer that surrounds the cytoplasm.
Cell membrane
site of protein synthesis.
Thin semipermeable membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm of the cell and site of energy production
Cell membrane
point of attachment of chromosomes.
Cell mesosomes
a special though, dormant, and resistant spore produced by some gram positive
bacteria. Bacillus and Clostridium are the most studied endospore forming bacteria genera.
Cell endospore
considered a virulence factor because it enhances the ability of bacteria to cause disease.
Cell capsule
Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Bacillus anthracis, and Neisseria meningitidis is a medically important encapsulated bacteria. True or False
Helps the bacteria to attach the host cell surface. Most of the human pathogens of respiratory tract, urinary tract are attached with its help.
Cell pili
______ also act as receptor for bacteriophage.
helps motility of bacteria
Cell flagella
Several flagella attached overall the organism
Amphitrichous, Peritrichous, Monotrichous, Lophotrichous
Single flagellum attached at both ends of the organism
Amphitrichous, Peritrichous, Monotrichous, Lophotrichous
Several flagella attached at one end of the organism or the other
Amphitrichous, Peritrichous, Monotrichous, Lophotrichous
single flagellum
Amphitrichous, Peritrichous, Monotrichous, Lophotrichous
The pH level and temperature are factors that may affect the growth of bacteria. True or False
contains nutrients and physical growth parameters necessary for the enrichment and growth of microorganisms.
Culture media or growth medium
can be classified on the basis of composition, consistency, and purpose
Bacterial culture media
Prepared with agar at concentrations of 0.5% or less. Additionally, it has a soft custard-like consistency.
It contains agar at a concentration of 1.5-2.0% or some other, mostly inert solidifying agent. This media is useful for isolating bacteria or for determining the colony characteristics of the isolate.
These media contain specific amounts of nutrients but don’t have a trace of gelling agents such as gelatin or agar.
Liquid (Broth)
Used to grow nutritionally exacting (fastidious) bacteria.
Addition of extra nutrients in the form of blood, serum, egg yolk, etc, to basal medium makes
enriched media.
Transport media, Storage media, Selective media, Simple media, Enriched media, Differential media
Enriched media
Media used for storing the bacteria for a long period of time. Examples are Egg saline medium, chalk cooked meat broth.
Transport media, Storage media, Selective media, Simple media, Enriched media, Differential media
Storage media
An indicator is placed in a medium; examples are blood, neutral red, tellurite. A particular organism changes the color of the indicator. Blood agar and MacConkey are indictor medias.
Transport media, Storage media, Selective media, Simple media, Enriched media, Differential media
Differential media
It supports most non-fastidious bacteria. These media are generally used for the
primary isolation of microorganisms
Transport media, Storage media, Selective media, Simple media, Enriched media, Differential media
Simple media
This media favour the growth of particular bacterium by inhibiting the growth of undesired bacteria and allowing the growth of the desired bacteria. MacConkey agar, Lowenstein-Jensen media, tellurite media are examples of selective media.
Transport media, Storage media, Selective media, Simple media, Enriched media, Differential media
Selective media
Used when specimen cannot be cultured soon after collection. Examples are Cary-Blair medium, Amies medium, Stuart medium.
Transport media, Storage media, Selective media, Simple media, Enriched media, Differential media
Transport media
Classification of culture media based on dispensing
- Plated
- Tubed
True or False
Gram (+) cocci arranged in pairs or chains, Aerotolerant anaerobes, Some are capnophilic, Catalase negative, and Non-motile
Gram positive cocci streptococcus
Gram (+) cocci arranged in tetrads or clusters, Facultative anaerobes, Catalase positive, Oxidase Negative, Non-motile, and Grows in 7.5-10% NaCl
Gram positive cocci staphylococcus
When gram-positive bacteria are shaped like rods, they’re known as ________.
Small, round, glistening, dome-shaped, mucoid colonies. Colonies tend umbilicated as they age; alpha hemolytic
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes, Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Streptococcus pneumoniae
LJ MEDIUM - tan to buff in color, rough, dry, warty, granular “CAULIFLOWER APPEARANCE” - 2 months to grow
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes, Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Virulence factor:
• Hemolysin
• Protein p60
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes, Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Listeria monocytogenes
Cystine- tellurite blood agar and Tinsdale’s agar o Black colonies with brown halo
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes, Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Neufeld Quellung positive
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes, Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Slender, slightly curved rod shaped microorganism measuring 0.2 – 0.6 μ in diameter and 1-4 μ in length
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes, Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Pleomorphic Gram (+) Bacilli and Non motile
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes, Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Clinical Significance: Pneumonia, Sinusitis, Otitis Media, Bacteremia, and Meninigitis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes, Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Virulence Factor: Capsular polysaccharide
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes, Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Virulence factor: Diphtheria toxin
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes, Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
pink mucoid colonies
Enterobacteriaceae, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Neisseria gonnorhea
Small, tan, translucent and raised
Enterobacteriaceae, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Neisseria gonnorhea
Neisseria gonnorhea
MacConkey Positive
Enterobacteriaceae, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Neisseria gonnorhea
selective differential for G- bacilli
Enterobacteriaceae, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Neisseria gonnorhea
Escherichia coli
Reduces Nitrate to Nitrite
Enterobacteriaceae, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Neisseria gonnorhea
Clinical significance: Urethritis & cervicitis, conjunctivitis
Enterobacteriaceae, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Neisseria gonnorhea
Neisseria gonnorhea
Glucose Fermenters
Enterobacteriaceae, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Neisseria gonnorhea
Disease syndromes • Enterotoxigenic E.coli (ETEC) • Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) • Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) • Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) • Enteroadherent E. coli (EAEC)
Enterobacteriaceae, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Neisseria gonnorhea
Escherichia coli
Clinical significance: RTI, Wound infections, UTI, Blood infections, and CSF infections
Enterobacteriaceae, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Neisseria gonnorhea
K. pneumoniae, K. ozaenae, K. rhinoscleromatis
Enterobacteriaceae, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Neisseria gonnorhea
Facultative anaerobes and Oxidase Negative
Enterobacteriaceae, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Neisseria gonnorhea
________ is a test that provides a clinician with therapeutic guidelines. It indicates which antibiotic is effective in killing the bacteria that has caused the infection or disease.
AST or Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
Used to determine broth the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC), and it yields quantitative results
Broth Dilution Technique
What technique or method is the following:
- standard medium : 4mm thick Mueller – Hinton agar (MHA)
- Standard inoculum size:1.5 x 108 CFU/mL
- Standard turbidity: 0.5 McFarland standard: 99.5 mL 1% H2SO4 + -.5mL 1.175% BaCl2
Disk diffusion Technique (Kirby bauer method)