Immunohematology and Blood Banking Flashcards
The study of immunologic reactions involving all components of blood.
a separate area in clinical laboratory hospital where blood is collected from donors.
blood banking
The study deals with antigens, antibodies, and antigen-antibody
reactions of the blood.
The act of giving blood for testing, processing, and distribution.
Blood donation
blood donation is voluntary. True or False
The Egyptians use blood bathing to rejuvenate the skin while Aristocrats used to drank blood. True or False
Pope Innocent VII took blood from three young boys and transfused it to himself to cure his disease. True or False
False (Pope Innocent VIII)
With the use of the anticoagulant, Acid Citrate Dextrose (ACD), the blood is good for 21 days, the same with Citrate Phosphate Dextrose (CPD) and CP2D (2x Dextrose). True or False
Citrate Phosphate Dextrose Adenine (CPDA-1) lasts for 45 days. True or False
False (35 days)
Additive solutions are used with CPDA-1 to prolong storage to 42 days. True or False
Most important blood group system and discovered by Karl Landsteiner.
ABO Blood group
Most common blood type
Type O
Antigen present in blood type O
Antigen present in blood type A
Antigen A
Antigen present in blood type AB
Antigen A and Antigen B
Antigen present in blood type B
Antigen B
Antibodies in the ABO group system are naturally produced. True or False
The antibody in blood type O
Anti-A and Anti-B
The antibody in blood type A
The antibody in blood type AB
The antibody in blood type B
_________ are used to determine which antigens are on the red cells
The universal donor
type O
The universal reciever
type AB
Second most important blood group system
Rh blood group system
Five important Rh Antigens
the most important and immunogenic
D is present = Rh-negative
D is absent = Rh positive
True or False
(D is present = Rh positive
D is absent = Rh negative)
Series of procedures designed to ensure the safety of transferring blood
Blood typing and crossmatching must be done to prevent harmful transfusion reactions between the recipient and donor blood. True or False
It must be performed before the transfusion of blood components containing red blood cells
the patient serum is mixed with the donor red blood cells to find out if a reaction will happen
major crossmatch
the patient red blood cells are mixed with the donor serum to find out if a reaction will happen
minor crossmatch
It detects if there are antibodies in the patient serum that can destroy the transfused red blood cells from the donor
major crossmatch
detects if there are antibodies in the donor serum that can destroy the patient’s red blood cells.
minor crossmatch
If the major crossmatch is positive and the minor crossmatch is negative the blood is compatible with the patient. True or False
False (incompatible)
If the minor crossmatch is positive and the major crossmatch is negative the blood is compatible with the patient but only the PRBC. True or False
If both of the minor and major crossmatch are positive, the blood is compatible with the patient. True or False
False (incompatible)