Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012
RA 10354
a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and
reproductive health
refers to the access to a fullrange of methods, facilities, services, and supplies thatcontribute to reproductive health and well-being byaddressing reproductive health-related problems. It also includes sexual health, the purpose of which is the enhancement of life and personal relations
reproductive health care
administrative order 1-A series of 1998
philippine reproductive health program
administrative order 43 series of 1999
reproductive health policy
4 components in the second inner circle from the framework
family planning, mch&n, adolescence reproductive health, STI/HIV/AIDS
administrative order 50-A series of 2001
national family planning policy
a voluntary effort for the individual or couples of reproductive age with the main purpose of limiting fertility by either natural or artificial
family planning
a program which enables couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and to have access to a full range of safe, affordable, effective, non-abortifacient modern natural and artificial methods of planning pregnancy
family planning
policies on family planning
- improvement of family welfare
- freedom of choice
- promotion of family solidarity and responsible parenthood
process of creating the fsh and lh hormone
responsible for follicle maturation
responsible for prostaglnadin release
[increase / decrease]
___ FSH
___ LH
decreased FSH
increased LH
- Safe & fertile period is calculated based on her previous shortest and longest cycle
- Get a 6 months history of the woman’s cycle length /month
calendar / rhythm method
calendar method:
shortest cycle - ___ days = 1st day of fertile period
longest cycle - ___ days = last day of fertile period
18, 11
- Identifies days 8 to 19 of a woman’s cycle as the fertile days
- uses a necklace
- regular cycle, 26-32 days
standard days method
standard days method:
brown beads means
white beads means
brown - pregnancy is unlikely
white - pregnancy is most likely
This method entails observing the changes
in the cervical mucus secretion during the
menstrual cycle
cervical mucus / billings method
postmenstrual mucus
preovulation mucus
cloudy, yellow or white, sticky
ovulation mucus
clear, wet, stretchy, slippery
postovulation fertile mucus
thick, cloudy, sticky
postovulation, postfertile mucus
R -
D -
M -
X -
X (w circle)
💗 -
peak day
love making
Peak Day Rule = on the ___ day after the peak day (last day of wetness) intercourse will not result to pregnancy
Early Days Rule = on ___ following menstruation, intercourse on alternate evenings will not result in pregnancy
dry days
Avoid intercourse on days when mucus is present & for at least ___ days afterwards.
Identifies the fertile and infertile period of a
woman’s cycle by daily taking and recording
of the rise in body temperature during and
after ovulation
basal body temperature method
the temperature of the body at rest
after at least 3 hours of continuous sleep
before temperature taking
Avoid intercourse all throughout the ___ half of the cycle & resume on the ___ day of the thermal shift
first, 4th
Combined measurement
of BBT & observation of
the cervical mucus with
other fertility symptoms
sympto-thermal method
In postponing pregnancy, intercourse is allowed during the first ___ days of the menstrual cycle if the peak day and thermal shift rules are applied.
After menstrual bleeding stops, intercourse can occur in the ___ during the infertile days before ovulation if pregnancy is being postponed
evening of every other day
The first day a woman observes any type of mucus or the first day she begins to feel a wet sensation, whichever comes first, is the beginning of the ___ phase
Based upon the
principle of natural
infertility experienced
by the breastfeeding
lactational amenorrhea method
Natural infertility effects:
A. Delays ___
B. Delays ___
ovulation, mestruation
98% effective if fully breastfeeding within
___ months postpartum
criteria from LAM
- baby < 6 months
- breastfeeding mama
- mother not menstruating
true or false - LAM can still be applied with mixed feeding because the mother is still breast feeding
freqency of breastfeeding
6 times a day, 2 times at night
Man pulls his penis
out of the vagina
before ejaculation
withdrawal / coitus interruptus