➢ Increased levels of HCG
➢ Changes in carbohydrate metabolism
➢ Emotional factors
➢ Fatigue
nausea and vomiting
Pressure of uterus on bladder in both first & third Trimesters
urinary frequency
➢ Specific causative factors unknown
➢ Hormonal changes – progesterone
➢ May be aggravated by nocturia due to urinary frequency
➢ Increased metabolic rate
Increased levels of estrogen & progesterone.
breast tenderness
Hyperplasia of vaginal mucosa & increased production of mucus by the endocervical glands due to increase in estrogen levels
increased vaginal discharge / leukorrhea
elevated estrogen levels
nasal stuffiness and nosebleed / epistaxis
increased estrogen levels (skin)
palmar erythema
excessive, often bitter salivation
pressure of uterus on the ivc, impairing blood return
circulatory adjustment needed to accommodate her increased blood supply
heart palpitation
abdominal pressure
abdominal discomforts
- increased progesterone = decreased GI motility
- increasing relaxation of cardiac sphincter
- displacement of stomach by enlarging uterus
- regurgitation of gastric content
heartburn / pyrosis
- increased progesterone = general bowel sluggishness
- pressure of uterus on intestine
- iron supplements
- diet, lack of exercise and decreased fluids
- imbalance of calcium-phosphorus ratio
- increased pressure of uterus on nerves
- fatigue
- poor circulation to lower extremities
leg cramps
- venous congestion on lower veins
- heredity factors
- increased age and weight gain
varicose veins