Intestinal Tissue Nematodes I Flashcards
They are elongated, cylindrical in shape with bilaterally symmetry and unsegmented.
Have complete digestive system, no circulatory system.
Intestinal tissue nematodes
maybe oviparous or viviparous.
with caudal chemoreceptors.
Lacks phasmids or caudal chemoreceptors.
TCT means?
“TCT”: Trichuris-Capillaria-Trichinella.
[2] Cycles of Intestinal Tissue Nematodes
- Direct life cycle
- Indirect life cycle
no intermediate host.
Direct life cycle
intermediate host.
Indirect life cycle
Generally males of most species have curved tail end and provided with special structure such as?
Copulatory bursa
[4] under phasmids.
- Hookworm
- S. stercoralis
- W. bancrofti
- B. malayi
Common name of Ascaris Lumbricoides
Giant roundworm
Giant intestinal rounworm
Disease associated in Ascaris Lumbricoides.
It is considered as the most common intestinal helminth infection in the world.
The regions of the world and of the United State most susceptible to harbor.
Ascaris lumbricoides
Infection in children who place their contaminated hands into their mouths.
Ascaris lumbricoides
Sources of contamination range from children’s toys to the soil itself.
Ascaris lumbricoides
Asymptomatic — Patients infected with a small number of worms will often remain asymptomatic.
Ascaris lumbricoides
Infected children may develop protein malnutrition.
Ascaris lumbricoides
Common names of Enterobius Vermicularis
Disease associated in Enterobius Vermicularis
- Enterobiasis
- Pinworm infection
- Oxyuriasis
Shell: outer triple albuminous covering.
[enterobius vermicularis]
Mechanical protection
Shell: inner embryonic lipoidal membrane.
[enterobius vermicularis]
Chemical protection
Eggs can be acquired through air.
Enterobius vermicularis
Has retroinfection and autoreinfection.
Enterobius vermicularis
Infective pinworm that migrates back into the host body, develop and reproduce.