trans base
components of histopathology lab
equipment and apparatus
chemicals and reagents
what can you see in a gross table
➢ Forceps
➢ Scalpel
➢ Chopping board
➢ Weighing balance
➢ Ruler
➢ Orientation markers
➢ Watch glass/ petri dish
➢ Tissue cassettes
This apparatus can be automatically set
to process later the day or whenever
you want.
Automated tissue processor
we place our slides right after
Paraffin oven
allows the fast hardening of our paraffin
wax for sectioning
Embedding center
what is the recommended temperature in floatation
5-10 degrees Celsius BELOW the melting
arranging the orientation of our tissue
sections on the slide.
fishing out method
remove the excess paraffin and water
on our slide right after placing it in the
floatation bath
Slide dryers
what is the temp for slide dryers
5-10 degrees above the melting point of
the paraffin wax
automatically transfers the slide from
one stain to another
Automated stainers
who uses the microscope in the histopath lab
most expensive biopsy, for our frozen sections
temp for cryostat
-15 to -30 degrees Celsius
temp for paraffin was dispenser
2-4 degrees Celsius ABOVE the
melting point of the paraffin wax
place here reagents that require
refrigerator temperature for
exposing heat to our tissue can speed
up the process
Microwave oven
what type of microtome is used for cutting semi-thin to thin sections of paraffin wax
Rotary Microtome
what type of microtome is used for
cutting large blocks of paraffin and resin embedded material including whole
The razor of this microtome is fixed and the specimen to be sliced for
microscopic examination passes up
and down in an arc of a circle across the
razor in a rocking motion.
rocking microtome
who is the inventor of rocking microtome
sir horace darwin
what type of microtome used to cutting thin to semi-thin (about 8-12μm)
sections of fresh, frozen tissue and has a temp of -15 to -30 degrees Celsius
Freezing Microtome
what type of microtome is used for cutting sections of frozen tissue sections as thin as 1 micron are possible.
Temperature. (-15 to -30C) to allow the
hardening of the tissue section.
what type of microtome is used to prepare ultrathin sections for light and
electron microscopy
Ultrathin Microtome
types of wares
coplin jars
tissue cassete
For holding substances
where we place our slides when we are performing staining
coplin jars
Tissue casette: yellow
liver and renal tissue
Tissue casette: green
any tissue
Tissue casette: white
bone tissue
Tissue casette: gray
skin biopsy
Tissue casette: pink
lymph nodes
what color of cassetes does the ph uses?
yellow and white
what reagents are found in dehydration
70% isopropyl alcohol
80% isopropyl alcohol
95% isopropyl alcohol
Absolute alcohol-I
Absolute alcohol-II
what reagents are found in clearing
what reagents are found in impregnation
Paraffin Wax-I
Paraffin Wax-II
Paraffin Wax-III
the principal tissue stains for histology
or histopathology processes.
Hematoxylin and Eosin stain
Used to screen cervical cancer
Papanicolaou Stain