trans based
removal of fixative and water from tissue
fixative ratio of dehydration
characteristics of ideal dehydrating solution
rapid action
does not evaporate fast
able to dehydrate fatty tissues
not harden tissues excessively
not remove stains
it is done in an ascending grades to avoid distortion of tissue
ascending grades of alcohol
70% ROH
90% ROH
100% ROH
for delicate tissues why do we need to start at 30% of alcohol?
to avoid the shrinkage and brittleness of tissues
dehydration rate of alcohol
37 degrees celsius
best dehydrant under alcohol because it is fast acting, mixes with water, not poisonous, cheap, clear, and flammable
it is toxic and ideal for blood and smear preparation fixation
a slow-acting alcohol that is made up of plant and animan microtechnique
butyl alcohol
fastest dehydrant (30 mins to 2hrs), highly flammable, evaporates fast and not recommended for routine dehydration purposes
other name of dioxane
diethylene dioxide
what is the purpose of dioxane
dehydrating and clearing agent
wrapping tissue in gauze ans suspension to a bottle containing dioxane with anhydrous calcium oxide to quicklime
weiseberger’s method
rapid, prolonged storage does not cause distortion to tissues, toxic inhalation, skin irritant and combustible at 110-120 F
triethyl phosphate is soluble in?
alcohol, water, ethyl benzene, chloroform, acetone, and xylene
disadvantage of triethyl phosphate
produces minimum shrinkage and not commoly available in the market
two dehydrating agents that can act as dehydrant and clearing agent
additives of dehydrating agents
4% phenol
glycerol/alcohol mixture