Injury and stress model Flashcards
Types of injuries
Always multifacted, eg acute vs. overuse, recurrent vs new. Severity: Duration and impact etc.
Usually look at substantial vs non substantial.
Prevention of injury
Interventions should be targeted towars specific age/sub groups and/or sport type/level
Psychological risk factors
Poor body image
Limited coping resources
Life event stress
Low mood
Socialcultural risks factors
Limited social resources
History of abuse
Social Pressures
Organisational stress
Negative self-appraisal
Revised Stress & Injury model
Three factors;
- Personality
- History of stressors
- Coping resources
decide the nature of the stress response:
- Cognitive appraisals
- Physiological/attentional changes
These decide whether a potentially stressful situation end in injury
Hisotry of stressors
Positive ass between life events, hassles, previous injury and getting an injury. Even positive life events, eg becoming team captain, can influence it by increased pressure
High level of stress from negative life-event and a strong stress response are best predictor of injury
Personality risks
Hardiness, locus of control, sense of coherence, competitive trait anxieyt, motivation and sensation seeking
Coping resources
if not sufficient, chance increases. Relaxation skills, meditation, imagery/rehearsal and confidence.