Infratemporal Region Flashcards
For the infratemporal fossa, name the following boundaries: roof medial wall anterior wall posterior wall lateral wall
roof: greater wing of sphenoid
medial wall: soft palate muscles
anterior wall: posterior surface of maxilla
posterior wall: parts of temporal bone (styloid process and tympanic region)
lateral wall: ramus of mandible
Foramina spinosum and oval are found along the ___ of the infratemporal fossa
What are the contents of the infratemporal fossa?
- medial and lateral pterygoid muscles
- maxillary artery
- ptyergoid venous plexus
- mandibular nerve (V3)
- chorda tympani
- otic ganglion
What are the muscles of mastication in the infratemporal space?
temporalis, lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid
The maxillary artery is one of two terminal branches of the ____ ____ artery
external carotid
note: largest branch with supply to infratemporal fossa
The maxillary artery arises ____ to the neck of the mandible, often with parotid substance and courses either superficial or deep to the _____ ____ muscle
posterior; lateral pterygoid
The maxillary artery leaves the infratemporal fossa by passing through the _____ fissure into the pterygoplalatine fossa
Give the 3 parts of the maxillary artery and where their branches go
part 1: mandibular - all branches pass through foramina
part 2: pterygoid - all branches go to muscles
part 3: pterygopalatine - branches given off in ptergopalatine fossa
In regards to branches of the mandibular division of the maxillary artery, this artery arises medial to the mandibular neck and splits the roots of the auriculotemporal nerve. It enters the skull via foramen spinosum.
In regards to branches of the mandibular division of the maxillary artery, this artery enters the mandibular canal via mandibular foramen along with the inferior alveolar nerve. It supplies the mandible, lower teeth, gingvae, and mentum.
inferior alveolar artery
The inferior alveolar artery has a ___ branch that diverges prior to entering the mandibular fossa
In regards to branches of the mandibular division of the maxillary artery, this artery pierces through cartilage of the external auditory meatus
deep auricular artery
In regards to branches of the mandibular division of the maxillary artery, this artery travels to the inner surface of the tympanic membrane via the petrotympanic fissure (with chords tympani n.)
anterior tympanic artery
In regards to branches of the mandibular division of the maxillary artery, this artery distributes to extracranial features then enters the skull via foramen ovale
accessory meningeal artery
In regards to the pterygoid division of the maxillary artery, this artery has an anterior and posterior branch - they course on the deep surface of the temporalis muscle, supplying it.
deep temporal artery
In regards to the pterygoid division of the maxillary artery, this artery courses laterally to supply the master muscle by passing over the mandibular notch
masseteric artery
In regards to the pterygoid division of the maxillary artery, this artery passes inferior and anterior onto the buccinator
buccal artery
In regards to the pterygoid division of the maxillary artery, this artery has 2-3 branches to the lateral and medial pterygoid muscles
pterygoid artery
In regards to the pterygopalatine branch of the maxillary artery, this artery enters the infratemporal surface of the maxilla near the pterygomaxillary fissure to supply molar and premolar teeth, gingivae and maxillary sinus
posterior superior alveolar artery
The veins that accompany the branches of the maxillary artery drain into the ____ plexus that is found intermingled with the pterygoid muscles
The pterygoid venous plexus interconnects superiorly to the ____ sinus, anteriorly with the ____ vein, and posteriorly forms the ____ vein that drains into the retromandibular vein
cavernous; facial; maxillary
The _____ nerve is the largest branch of the trigeminal nerve
mandibular (V3)
The mandibular nerve (V3) contains sensory fibers from neuron cell bodies that are located in the ____ ganglion, and motor fibers from the trigeminal motor nucleus found in the _____
trigeminal; brainstem
The mandibular nerve passes through the foramen ____ to reach the infratemporal fossa
A parasympathetic ganglion, the ___ ganglion, is located on the medial surface of the mandibular nerve just below foramen ovale
Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the otic ganglion are coming from the ______ nerve, but postganglionic parasympathetic fibers will join a branch of the mandibular nerve (______) to reach the parotid gland
glossopharyngeal; auriculotemporal
Name the mixed branches of the mandibular nerve (V3)
chorda tympani (taste and secretomotor) auricolotemporal (sensory and secretomotor)
Name the sensory branches of the mandibular nerve (V3)
lingual, inferior alveolar, mental, buccal
This nerve is a branch of the mandibular nerve and provides sensory to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue and floor of oral cavity
lingual nerve
The lingual nerve enters the oral cavity just lateral to the ____ ____ muscle to then run along the internal surface of the mandible
medial pterygoid
The lingual nerve is joined on its posterior side by fibers of the ____ ____ nerve
chorda tympani
The chorda tympani is a branch of the ___ nerve
In regards to the chorda tympani nerve, its cell bodies for the taste fibers are located in the ____ ganglion of the facial nerve
Lingual nerve injury proximal to chorda tympani joining results in what? Distal to joining?
proximal: loss of general sensation
distal: loss of both general sensation and taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue
This nerve is a branch from the mandibular nerve (V3) and enters the mandible via the mandibular foramen to travel to the mandibular canal inferior to teeth roots. It supplies the lower teeth and gingiva.
Inferior alveolar nerve
Part of the inferior alveolar nerve exits through the mental foramen forming the ____ nerve that is sensory to the chin and lower lip
This nerve is initially part of the inferior alveolar nerve. It is a motor branch that does not enter the mandibular foramen, but courses to innervate the mylohyoid and the anterior belly of the digastric
mylohyoid nerve
What two nerves pass between the lateral and medial pterygoid muscles?
lingual and inferior alveolar
This nerve is a branch from the mandibular nerve (V3) and has two components that form a loop around MMA. It courses posteriorly, enters the parotid gland, and supplies sensory fibers to the parotid, ear, and temporal regions
auriculotemporal nerve
The auriculotemporal nerve also receives postganglionic parasympathetic fibers from the ____ ganglion
note: these fibers travel with the auriculotemporal nerve to the parotid gland which they proved with secretomotor fibers
Glossopharyngeal nerve - tympanic nerve - tympanic plexus - ___ ____ nerve - otic ganglion - auriculotemporal nerve
lesser petrosal
This predominantly sensory branch of the mandibular nerve innervates the skin on the cheek covering the buccinator muscle, and also the mucosal lining of the cheek
buccal nerve
note: different than buccal branches of facial nerve
Deep temporal nerves masseteric nerve lateral pterygoid nerve medial pterygoid nerve nerve to tensor tympani nerve to tensor veli palatini (soft palate)
These are all motor branches coming from what nerve?
Mandibular nerve (V3) or division of Trigeminal nerve