Demo Flashcards
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Larynx: lies over which vertebre?
Location of Larynx:
- Connects inferior portion of pharynx with ??
- Inferior and anterior to ??
- Anterior to ??
- Superior to ??
- Posterior to ??
- trachea
- pharynx
- esophagus
- trachea
- thyroid gland
Functions of Larynx?
Guard airway passages (from food and fluid)
Phonation/voice production
Cartilages of the larynx??
- Unpaired (3)?
- Paired (3)?
- Thyroid cartilage (2)
- Larygneal Prominence “adams apple”
- Superior and Inferior Horns (projections from posterior surfaces of thyroid cartilage)
- Cricoid cartilage (ring shaped like a signet)
- -Made up of hyaline cartilage
- attached to first trach ring inferiorly by circotracheal ligament
*epiglottic cartilage:
connected to thyroid cartilage at base by thryoepiglottic ligament
- Arytenoid
- Corniculate
- Cuneiform
How does sup. horn of thryoid cartilage attach to hyoid bone?
thryohoid membrane
epiglottic cartilage is
connected to thyroid cartilage by?
thyroepiglottic ligament
thryoid cartilage is at the superior border is at what vertebrae?
inferior horn attaches to cricoid cartilage at what joint?
cricothryoid joint?
What is the cricothyroid joint?
Why is this important??
articulation of thryoid and cricoid cartilage
{anterior aspect, where inf. horn of thyroid cartilage meets cricoid c.)
!!! V imporatnat because its main movments are rotation and gliding of vocal folds
The Cricoid cartilage is attached to the inferior margin of the thyroid cartilage by the ????? ligament and to the first tracheal ring inferiorly by the ??? ligament
- median cricothyroid ligament
- cricotracheal ligament
superior border of thyroid cartillage at what cervical vertebre?
Laryngeal prominence is known to lay person as?
what is it actually?
Adams apple
-union of two laminae of thyroid cartilage
posterior attachemnt of the vocal ligaments is?
vocal process of the arytendoid cartilage
imporatance of musclar process of arytenoid c.?
its a lever, where post and lat crico-artynoid muslces attach
false cords?
vestibular folds created by vestibule of epiglottis
action of cricothyroid muscles?
lengthening (increasing tension) of vocal ligaments
pulls thyroid forward and down
action of pos. cricoarytenoid m.
pulls muscular process of arytenoid inward which then pulls vocal process outwards to ABDuct vocal ligaments
action of lateral cricoartenoid muscles
attached to muscular process and inserts near ant. arch of cricoid car. so pulls muscular ligaments anterorly which which pulls vocal ligaments closed so ADDuction of VL
action of trans. and obliq. arytenoid m.
ADDuction of VL
sit on inside aspect of cricoid lamina so pulls the entire arytenoid cart. together which pulls VL together
action of vocalis and thyroarytenoid m.
-on lateral aspect of vocalis m.
pulls arytenoids closer to thryoid c. so shorts VL
shortening (RELAXATION) of vocal ligaments
Which muscles short vs. length vocal ligaments
- shorten: thyroarytenoid m
- length: cricothryoid m
What are the vocal folds made up of?
thickening of elastic tissue that is the medial free edge of conus elasticus
If vocal ligaments are ADducted, what is happening to airway?
airway is closed off
Rima vestibuli?
“virtual space” between vestibular ligaments
lateral recesses between vocal and vestibular folds are called?
laryngeal ventricles
ant. attachments of constrictor muscles
- sup: buccopharyngeal raphe
- med: greater horn hyoid bone
- inf: thyroid cartilage
Aterial supply of esophagus comes from what vessles?
- inferior phrenic artery (IVC drainage)
- left gastric artery (portal drainage)
Quadrangular membrane
mucus membrane from aryepiglottic fold to vestibular folds
Retropharyngeal space
Infection connection!!!
sits inbetween prevertebral fasical and buccopharyngeal fascia
blends with pericardium inferiorly
piriform fossa/recess
on either side of larynx, where base (cuniform &corniculate ).
from membrane tightly covering lamina of cricoid c.
-branches of internal laryngeal nerve runs just behind this membrane
food gets TRAPPED HERE.
in oropharynx, what are the two arches and what muscle runs deep to their mucosa?
- palatoglossal arch & m. (more ant)
- palatophargneal arch and muscle (more post)
describe laryngeal inlet
connects pharynx w/ larynx
-bound by epiglottis, aryepiglottic fold and corniculate c.
laryngeal vestibule
between laryngeal inlet and vestibular folds
Laryngeal ventricle
recess between vestibular and vocal folds bilaterally
infraglottic cavity
area below vocal folds aka where trachea begins after vocal cords
vocal apparatus so vocal folds + rima glottis
rima glottis
space in between vocal ligaments when open
intrinsic laryngeal muscles
- in general: what does this mean (like dont tell me the specific muscles)
- types?
these are the muscles that alter vocal folds and shape/size of rimi glottis
2 types:
-tension (controls vocal pitch)
-Size of rima glottis
Name all 6 intrinsic laryngeal muslces
Tension: “See TV creates tension in the larynx”
- Cricothyorid
- Thyro-arytenoid
- vocalis
Size: “directions, everywhere but forward (ant)” *post, lateral, transverse/olique)
-posterior cricoarytenoid (only ABduct m)
- lateral cricoartytenoid
- traverse/oblique arteyntoid
6 muscles of pharynx
-sup, mid, inf constrictors
- Salpingopharyngeus
- palatophargyngeus
- stylophargenus (9)
Innervation of intrinsic laryngeal m?
- Cricoidthryoid: EXTERNAL Larygneal
- thryro-artenoid (inferior laryn.)
- Vocalis (inferior laryn.)
- post cricoarytenoid (inferior laryn.)
- lateral cricoarytenoid (inferior laryn.)
- Trans/oblique arytenoid (inferior laryn.)
Extrinsic laryngeal muscles?
move larynx as whole
- infrahyoid: depress hyoid and larynx
- suprahyoid m
- stylopharyngeus: elevate hyoid and larynx during swallowing or talking
Recurrent laryngeal nerve – provides ??
Superior laryngeal nerve – the internal branch provides ???
-external branch provides ??
- sensory innervation to the infraglottis, and motor innervation to all the internal muscles of larynx (except the cricothyroid).
- Internal: provides sensory innervation to the supraglottis
External: provides motor innervation to the cricothyroid muscle.
longer/tensed vocal folds would create what pitch?
which muscles do this?
higher pitch
JUST cricothyroid
shorter/relaxed vocal folds?
-lower pitch
- lateral cricoartenoid
- trans/oblique arteyonid
how do the vocal folds change during exhalation, inhilation, and talking?
exhaliation and talking= vocal cords are close together
inhilation= widens gaps
how does thryoartendoid and vocalis affect vocal cords?
-loosen and shorten cord to make lower pitch
What effect does cricothyroid have on vocal cords?
stetches and lengths cords to make high pitch sounds
epiglottis is made out of what cartilage?
all other cartilage from larynx is hyaline
attachement of cuneiform?
not attached to any other cartilage
-bumbs wihin aryepiglotic fold
only muscle that opens airway?
posterior cricoartenoid
only muscle that ABDucts vocal cords
space above vocal folds vs. below vocal folds?
above: quadrangular membrane
below: conus elasticus
mucosa above vocal cords is made of what type of tissue? why is this beneficial?
-stratified squamous epi
this is resistent to abrasion from swallowed items
musoca below vocal cords is made of?
respiratory epithemlim
aka mucous and cillia nothing but air
if you want to increase the volume of sound, how will you need to move the vocal cords?
not relevant, loudness depends upon force of air across the vocal folds
movement of vocal cords during swallowing?
sphincter function of the larynx is activated during valsalva maneuver
movement of vocalis?
relaxes/shortens cords
so deepens/lowers the pitch
internal fasica lining of constrictor muscles?
pharyngobasilar fascia
external fasica lining 3 constrictor muscles?
buccopharygneal fascia
Superior to Superior constrictor?
-levator veli palatini, euchsatchin tube, ascending palatine artery
this is where two fascias (pharyngobasilar and buccopharyngeal become a single mucus membrane that makes up the pharyngeal recess)
gap between sup and middle constrictors?
-stylophargeeous, glossopharygeal nerve, stylohoid ligament to internal pharygneal wall
gap between middle and inf constrictors
internal layrneal nerve and superior layrngeal art and vein to pass to larynx
inferior to inferor phary. constrictor
recurrent LN and in larydeal art to pass upward to larynx
Main action of consrictors muslcess
constrict walls during swallowing to move food down
superior constrictor innervation
Vagus and pharygeal plexus
middle pharygeal constrictor innervation
pharygneal branch of X, phargeal plexus, exernal & reccurent larygneal nerve
infer. pharygeal constcitor innervation
vagus, phary. plexus, external reccurent and reccurent larygn. nerve
Innervation of Salpingopharyngeus
- Pharyngeal branch of Vagus
- pharygneal plexus
Innervation of Palatopharyngeus
Form walls of laryngopharx and make up palatophargyngeal arch
- -Pharyngeal branch of Vagus
- pharygneal plexus
Stylopharyngeus innervtation
CN 9