Individual Differences: Personality Flashcards
Define personality (3 different views)
(Hollander)-the sum of an individuals characteristics which make them unique
(Eysenck)-the stable organisation of character, temperament, intellect and physique which determines an individuals unique adjustment to the environment
(Gill)-the pattern of psychological characteristics that make a person unique
What do all 3 definitions of personality agree on?
That an individuals personality is unique
That personality is stable and enduring but can be modified to adapt to different situations
The quality of performance and type of sport chosen by an individual may be determined by personality
What are the 3 theories of personality?
Trait theory
Social learning theory
Interactionist theory
What is the Trait theory and what does it involve?
That personality is determined by inherited or genetically predetermined qualities
Traits are stable, enduring and consistent in all situations
Personality/behaviour is therefore generalised and predictable
What is the mini equation for trait theory?
What is the Social learning theory and what does it involve?
That personality is determined by copying the behaviour of others+being reinforced for copying it
Copying is more likely if the model is significant and/or if their behaviour is reinforced (VICARIOUS REINFORCEMENT)
Behaviour is learned from environment
Personality/behaviour is therefore predictable if same situation occurs
What is the mini equation for social learning theory?
What is the Interactionist theory and what does it involve?
That personality is determined by interaction/relationship between personality traits and the situation/environment
-behaviour changing to the demands of the situation/environment
-a combination of trait and social learning factors
Typical responses emerge from the combination of personality traits and environment
Personality/behaviour is unpredictable
What is the mini equation for interactionist theory?
What are the 2 trait theories of personality?
No.1-the characteristics of extroversion, introversion, stable and unstable (neurotic) personalities-(Eysenck)
No.2-the characteristics of type A and type B personalities-(Girdano’s narrow band approach)
What is the main concept in Eysenck’s trait theory (No.1)?
That you can have introverts, extroverts, stable and unstable personalities
What does an extrovert personality include?
Tend to be outgoing-suited to team sports
Have a reticular activating system (RAS) which is low in sensitivity-RAS is part of brain that alters alertness-becomes aroused slowly
What does an introvert personality include?
Tend to have an inward focus-suited to individual sports
Prefer isolation
May lack confidence in social groups
Have a reticular activating system (RAS) which is high in sensitivity-becomes aroused quickly
What does a stable personality include?
Tend to have a predictable temperament-suited to sports needing high performance
Consistent moods
Appear calm/relaxed
Likely low anxiety
Realistic/logical perception of situations
What does an unstable personality include?
Tend to be unpredictable in temperament-not ideal for sports participation
Inconsistent moods (mood swings)
Prone to worry+high anxiety
Unrealistic/illogical perception of situations
What is the main concept in Girdano’s narrow band approach (No.2)?
That you can have only a type A and a type B personality
What characteristics do type A personalities have?
Tend to become highly aroused Prone to excessive anxiety Impatient with themselves+others Works fast/ambitious Tends to become aggressive Highly competitive+likes control of situations
Give an example of a type A personality
A coach with type A may dispute a referee’s judgement/decision
What characteristics do type B personalities have?
Able to control arousal/keep it low Can relax+subdue anxiety Patient with themselves+others Cool under pressure Passive Less competitive than type A
Give an example of a type B personality
An athlete with type B is able to stay relaxed before a major event