In Verrem 2.4.9-11 Flashcards
Videte maiorum diligentiam,
Consider the diligence of our ancestors,
qui nihildum etiam istius modi suspicabantur,
who were suspecting nothing as yet of this sort even,
verum tamen ea quae parvis in rebus accidere poterant providebant.
however they were foreseeing those things which could happen in small matters.
Neminem qui cum potestate aut legatione in provinciam esset profectus
They thought that no one who had set out as a governor or an ambassador into the province
tam amentem fore putaverunt ut emeret argentum,
(would be) so insane to buy silver,
dabatur enim de publico;
for it was given at the public expense;
ut vestem, praebebatur enim legibus;
or to buy clothing, for it was supplied by the laws;
mancipium putarunt,
they supposed that he might buy a slave,
quo et omnes utimur et non praebetur a populo:
which both we all use and which is not supplied by the people:
sanxerunt ne quis emeret nisi in demortui locum.
they forbade anyone by law to buy a slave except in the place of a dead slave.
Si qui Romae esset demortuus?
If any (slave) had died in Rome?
immo, si quis ibidem;
No, if any one had died in the same place as the governor (their master);
non enim te instruere domum tuam voluerunt in provincia,
For they did not wish you to furnish your house in the province,
sed illum usum provinciae supplere.
but to provide that use in the province.
Quae fuit causa cur tam diligenter nos in provinciis ab emptionibus removerent?
What was the reason why they kept us so diligently from making purchases in the provinces?