Catullus 5, 7, 8 Flashcards
Vivamus mea Lesbia, atque amemus,
Let us live, my Lesbia, and let us love,
rumoresque senum severiorum
and let us value all the rumors of the rather serious old men
omnes unius aestimemus assis!
to be worth just one as/penny!
soles occidere et redire possunt:
The suns are able to set and to return:
nobis cum semel occidit brevis lux,
When for us once and for all our brief light has set,
nox est perpetua una dormienda.
One perpetual night must be slept.
da mi basia mille, deinde centum,
give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred,
dein mille altera, dein secunda centum,
then a second/another thousand, then a second hundred,
deinde usque altera mille, deinde centum.
then yet another thousand more, then a hundred.
dein, cum milia multa fecerimus,
Then, when we will have made many thousands
conturbabimus illa, ne sciamus,
We shall throw them into confusion so that we don’t know
aut ne quis malus invidere possit,
or so that anyone bad is not able to be envious
cum tantum sciat esse basiorum.
when he knows that there are so many (of) kisses.
Quaeris, quot mihi basiationes
You ask how many kissifications
tuae, Lesbia, sint satis superque.
of yours, Lesbia, are enough for me and more.
quam magnus numerus Libyssae harenae
lasarpiciferis iacet Cyrenis
As big a number as the grains of Libyan sand
lies at silphium-bearing Cyrene