In Verrem 2.4.14-16 Flashcards
Quis vestrum igitur nescit quanti haec aestimentur?
Then, who of you all is ignorant at how great these things are valued?
In auctione signum aeneum non maximum HS xl venire non vidimus?
Did we not see in the auction, a not large bronze statue go (to market) for 40,000 sesterces?
Quid? si velim nominare homines qui aut non minoris aut etiam pluris emerint, nonne possum?
What? If I should wish to name men who have purchased/bought either for not less or even for more, am I not able?
Etenim qui modus est in his rebus cupiditatis,
And indeed, what method is there in these matters of desire,
idem est aestimationis;
it is the same (method) in (these matters) of worth;
difficile est finem facere pretio nisi libidini feceris.
it is difficult to make/set a limit for a price unless you will have made a limit for desire.
Video igitur Heium neque voluntate [adductum]
I see therefore that Heius was neither led by his will,
neque difficultate aliqua temporis
nor by any temporary difficulty,
nec magnitudine pecuniae
nor by the greatness of the money,
[adductum] esse ut haec signa venderet,
(so as to) to sell these statues;
teque ista simulatione emptionis
and (I see) that you, with the simulation/under the pretext of a purchase,
vi, metu, imperio, fascibus
by force, with fear, by your power, with your authority,
ab homine eo quem,
from that man, whom
una cum ceteris sociis,
together with the rest of our allies,
non solum potestati tuae sed etiam fidei populus Romanus commiserat
whom the Roman people had entrusted not only to your power, but also to your loyalty
eripuisse atque abstulisse.
seized and took away those things.
Quid mihi tam optandum, iudices, potest esse in hoc crimine
What, judges, is able to be so hoped for by me in this charge
quam ut haec eadem dicat ipse Heius?
than that Heius himself says these same things?
Nihil profecto;
Nothing certainly;
sed ne difficilia optemus.
but let us not hope for difficult things.