In Verrem 2.4.1-4 Flashcards
Venio nunc ad istius, quem ad modum ipse appellat, studium,
I come now to the passion of that guy, in the way/mode which he himself calls it, 4.1
ut amici eius, morbum et insaniam, ut Siculi, latrocinium;
as his friends call disease and insanity, as the Sicilians call robbery; 4.1
ego quo nomine appellem nescio;
by what name do I call it, I don’t know; 4.1
rem vobis proponam, vos eam suo non nominis pondere penditote.
I will state the matter to you all; evaluate it by its weight not by its name. 4.1
Genus ipsum prius cognoscite, iudices;
Learn the type of it/the thing first, judges; 4.1
deinde fortasse non magno opere quaeretis quo id nomine appellandum putetis.
perhaps you will ask not with great effort by what name you think it must be called. 4.1
Nego in Sicilia tota, tam locupleti, tam vetere provincia, tot oppidis,
I deny that in all of Sicily, in the province so wealthy and so old, in so many towns, 4.1
tot familiis tam copiosis, ullum argenteum vas, ullum Corinthium aut Deliacum fuisse,
so many families so wealthy, there was neither a silver vase nor any Conrinthian or Delian bronze vase, 4.1
ullam gemmam aut margaritam, quicquam ex auro aut ebore factum,
no jewel nor pearl, anything having been made out of gold or ivory, 4.1
signum ullum aeneum, marmoreum, eburneum,
any bronze, marble, or ivory statue, 4.1
nego ullam picturam neque in tabula neque in textili quin conquisierit, inspexerit, quod placitum sit abstulerit.
I deny any painting neither on a board nor on a textile that he did not inspect, he took that which pleased him. 4.1
Magnum videor dicere: attendite etiam quem ad modum dicam.
I seem to say/speak a great thing: also pay attention to that matter which I shall speak. 4.2
Non enim verbi neque criminis augendi causa complector omnia:
Indeed I include all not for the sake of increasing word/speech nor for the sake of increasing the crime: 4.2
cum dico nihil istum eius modi rerum in tota provincia reliquisse,
when I say that that guy left nothing of things of that kind/sort in the whole province, 4.2
Latine me scitote, non accusatorie loqui.
know that I am speaking in plain Latin, not in the manner of a prosecutor. 4.2
Etiam planius: nihil in aedibus cuiusquam, ne in quidem, [reliquisse]
I will also speak more plainly: he left nothing in the houses of anyone, 4.2