In Verrem 2.4.17-19 Flashcards
Quid sedes, Verres?
Why do you sit, Verres?
quid exspectas?
What are you waiting for?
quid te a Centuripina civitate, [circumveniri atque opprimi dicis]
Why [do you say that you are encircled in and overwhelmed] by the city of Centuripae,
a Catinensi, ab Halaesina, a Tyndaritana,
by Catania, by Haleesa, by Tyndaris,
Hennensi, Agyrinensi ceterisque Siciliae civitatibus
by Enna, by Agyrium, and by the other cities of Sicily
circumveniri atque opprimi dicis?
[why] do you say that you are encircled in and overwhelmed?
Tua te altera patria,
Your second fatherland Messana,
quem ad modum dicere solebas,
in the way you are accustomed to say,
Messana circumvenit,
surrounds you; your own Messana,
—tua, inquam, Messana, tuorum adiutrix scelerum,
I say, the helper of your crimes,
libidinum testis,
the witness of your lusts,
praedarum ac furtorum receptrix.
the receiver of your loot and your thefts.
Adest enim vir amplissimus eius civitatis
For the most honorable man of that city is present,
legatus huius iudici causa domo missus princeps laudationis tuae,
sent for the sake of this trial the leader/chief of your praising,
qui te publice laudat,
who praises you publicly
—ita enim mandatum atque imperatum est;
for thus it was commanded and ordered;
tametsi rogatus de cybaea tenetis memoria quid responderit:
although he was asked about the cargo ship you have in your memory that which he responded:
aedificatam publicis operis publice coactis,
that it had been built by public workers, having been compelled officially/publicly,
eique aedificandae publice Mamertinum senatorem praefuisse.
and that a Mamertine senator had been put in charge of the thing to be built.
Idem ad vos privatim, iudices, confugit;
The same man privately flees to you, judges;
utitur hac lege qua iudicium est,
he uses this law in accordance with which this court exists/by means of which there is a trial,
communi arce sociorum.
a common refuge of our allies.
Tametsi lex est de pecuniis repetundis,
Although there is a law for recovering money (concerning extortion),
ille se negat pecuniam repetere,
he denies that he is seeking money,
quam ereptam non tanto opere desiderat:
although having been taken (from him can be supplied) he does not desire it so much: