Imaging Flashcards
What do you need to ask when reading film?
Is it PA or AP? is the patient supine or upright? is this an adequate inspiration? is the patient rotated? is the penetration adequate?
What is PA?
right side is on your left
What is AP?
the heart is enlarged, and the diaphragm is higher up and everything is skewed. look at the clavicles!
What do the Vs indicate?
Pointing up means upright, down means supine. or, supine the beads are at the bottom, upright beads are at the rim
How do you know it’s an adequate inspiration?
when you can count all 10 ribs
How to know if the patient is rotated?
Check if the clavicles are symmetrical, spinous processes of the vertebrae, equidistance between clavicular heads and trachea
What does ABCDEFGH mean?
Lung Field
Gastric bubble
What are abnormalities deviating the trachea away from lung?
pneumothorax, pleural effusion
What are abnormalities deviating the trachea towards the affected lung?
collapsed lung, lobectomy, pnuemonectomy, pleural fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis (rarely unilateral)
If someone choked on something, where does it go down (where should you look in the xray)?
The right main bronchus
What is subcutaneous empheysema?
Air between the subcutaneous tissue and skin, harmless but evident in xray like the patient is glowing a bit, often from surgery
What do you absolutely need to remember?
Ensure patient isn’t crooked, can you see the lung pieces above clavicles (adequate inspiration?), ensure spinous processes are equal distances
What can airways be?
Narrowed, deviated, subglottic (steeple church)
At what angle is the carnal angle strained?
> 90 degrees
What is the normal cardiothoracic ratio?
40% or less…anything more is concerning