III|WEEK1-2 Flashcards
In writing the Introduction, your group needs consider the following:
- Using the given outline and guidelines, write your Introduction.
- Get additional reference materials that you might need in writing your paper.
- Add a reference list at the end of the document using the required documentation style (APA format).
- Make sure that you _______________________,
_________, or__________________ the information you have taken from your sources. - These sources should be __________.
accurately paraphrase
directly quote
cited properly
Be sure that your references are taken from
reliable sources
Write your work on _____ bond paper using the following format:
- double-spaced
- Times New Roman
- 1 inch margin (top, bottom, right side)
- 1.5 inch margin (left side)
- font size 12
b. Establish the research gap.
b.1. Explain the current state of the field.
b.2. Explain the reasons or justifications
for conducting the study.
b.3. Explain the research gap.
b.4. State that your research addresses the
Background of the study
a. General research question
b. Specific research questions (descriptive and
b.1 Specific problem 1(question form for
problem and declarative form for objective)
Research Questions
null hypothesis
alternative hypothesis
The findings of this research will prove useful to the following entities:
Beneficiary 1. Explain how beneficiary 1 will
benefit from the results of the research.
Beneficiary 2. Explain how beneficiary 2 will
benefit from the results of the research.
Beneficiary 3. Explain how beneficiary 3 will
benefit from the results of the research.
Significance of the Study
definition of the term was taken
from a books and dictionaries (cite source)
definition of the term is based on how it is used in the study
This research attempts to (state your general
problem). Primarily the focus of this research is on (state the scope or coverage of the research).
(Explain why the study is delimited in that way). It should be noted that the present study did not cover (state the areas that were not covered by the research). (Explain why the study excluded those areas).
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Chapter 1 is divided into five parts:
(1) Background of the Study
(2) Rescarch Objectives and the Hypothesis
(3) Significance of the Study
(4) Definition of Terms
(5) Scope and Limitations
gives an overview of the research problem and the anchored theories that supported
the problem and discusses the rationale for choosing the study.
Background of the Study
discusses the study’s purpose and enumerates the specific objectives.
Rescarch Objectives and the Hypothesis
gives the possible contributions of the results of the study and its application to society.
Significance of the Study
refers to the unlocking of terminologies for the purpose of clarity
Definition of Terms
identifies the coverage of the study based on its purpose, variables, research design, instruments used, statistical tools, and analytic scheme.
Scope and Delimitations
An academic text that provides an overview of a particular topic and it helps identify what is
known and not known about a certain subject of study.
Literature Review
In writing the Review of Related Literature,
please observe the following guidelines:
- Brainstorm on the concepts and studies
- Define the key terms
- Search for additional reference materials
- Add a reference list
- Write your work on short bond paper and use proper format
Chapter 2(5 parts)
A. Introduction for Literature Review
B. Concept 1
C. Related Studies
D. Synthesis
E. Conceptual and /or Theoretical Framework
-State the purpose of writing the literature
-Indicate the scope or coverage of the review
-Present the organization of the review’s content.
Introduction for Literature Review
-Description (types, functions, importance,
features, effects and/or causes, advantages and /or disadvantages if applicable)
(Note: The same format for Concepts 2, 3, etc.)
Concept 1
Study 1
-General and specific objectives of Study 1
-Research design, participants, instruments used
-Conclusions related to your paper
-Weaknesses that were of Study 1 that were
addressed by Study 1
(Note: The same format for Studies 2, 3, etc.)
Related Studies
-Reinforcement of research gap after reviewing the available literature
-Statement that your study attempts to address the identified research gap
-Relationship of literature review with specific
objectives or research questions of your study
-Presentation of a diagram or any appropriate
graphical aid
-Explanation of the conceptual and theoretical
Conceptual and /or Theoretical Framework
→ we want to estimate a population parameter (a single
number that describes a population) by using statistics
(numbers that describe a sample of data)
→ examples:
⤷ Estimating Overall Liking score of a new
⤷ Estimating Customer Satisfaction Index
⤷ Estimating the average units purchased per
purchase occasion
⤷ Estimating % agreement to a statement
⤷ Determine the significant difference
inferential statistics
one single number only
Point Estimate
— an interval containing a range of
numbers (called Confidence Interval)
Interval Estimate
(describes the central tendency of the data)
→ Measures of Location
- the average value, is the most commonly used
measure of central tendency
- is the value that occurs most frequently
○ represents the highest peak of the distribution
○ a good measure of location when the variable is inherently categorical or has otherwise
- is the middle value when the data are
arranged in ascending or descending order
○ if the number of data points is even, the _____ is usually estimated as the midpoint between the two middle values by adding the two middle values and dividing their sum by 2.
(calculated on interval or ratio data)
→ Measures of Variability
- measures the spread of the data; simply the
difference between largest and smallest values in the sample
difference between the mean and an
observed value is called the deviation from the mean; the mean squared deviation from the mean.
- square root of the variance. It‟s
also a measure of how spread the values are
Standard Deviation
- is the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean expressed as percentage, and it
is a unitless measure of relative variability.
coefficient of Variation
a statement that something is true ; a
tentative, a claim or an assertion about people,
objects, or events.
→ a procedure in making decisions based on a sample evidence or probability theory used to determine
whether the hypothesis is accepted or rejected.
→ if the statement is found reasonable then, the hypothesis is accepted, otherwise it is rejected.
hypothesis testing
- Formulate the null and the alternative hypothesis.
- Decide the level of significance, α.
- Choose appropriate test statistic.
- Establish the critical Region./ Compute the value of the Statistical test.
- Make a decision.