III|WEEK 3-4 Flashcards
is a systematic way to solve a problem
Research methodology
It is a science of studying how research is to be carried out
Research methodology
the procedures by which researchers go about their work of describing, explaining and predicting phenomena are called
Research methodology
It is also defined as the study of methods by which knowledge is gained.
Research methodology
Its aim is to give the work plan of research (Rajasekar at al., 2013).
Research methodology
This part of the research paper explains the procedure in collecting and analyzing data
and also describes the sources of data. (Baraceros, 2016).
Research methodology
In writing the Methodology, your group needs consider the following:
- Using the given outline and guidelines, write your Methodology.
- Be sure that your references are taken from reliable sources.
- The methodology section should generally be written in the past tense.
- The methodology chapter explains what you did and how you did it, allowing readers to evaluate the reliability and validity of the research.
- Write your work on short bond paper using the PROPER format
double spaced, Times New Roman, Font size - 12.
Margin- 1 inch margin (top, bottom, right side)
1.5 inch margin (left side)
The methodology chapter explains what you did and how you did it, allowing readers to evaluate the reliability and validity of the research. It should include:
i. The type of research you did
ii. How you collected your data
iii. How you analyzed your data
iv. Any tools or materials you used in the research
v. Your rationale for choosing these methods
a. Describe the Research Design of the study.
b. Explain the type of research design of your study.
A. Research Design
a. Specify the target Population.
b. Describe the nature of respondents.
c. Explain the Sampling Technique use to select the respondents of the study.
d. Include table of the distribution of respondents (frequencies &percentages).
B. Respondents of the Study
a. Identify the type of instrument/s appropriate to use in the study.
b. State the Composition of the Instrument (Categories based on TOS).
c. Explain the Measurement for Validity.
d. State the Reliability results for Pilot Test (Cronbach’s Alpha).
C. Research Instruments
a. Explain the procedure on how data were gathered (Flow Chart).
b. State the Duration of gathering the data.
D. Data Gathering Procedure
a. Explain on how the data will be processed.
b. Identify Statistical tests for Descriptive and Inferential Statistics.
c. Explain each statistical test use in the study
E. Data Analysis Procedure
Formulate a formal letter, duly signed by
the research teacher, asking permission
to the Principal, to conduct the study
Be clear, specific and direct, treat questions
like a conversation, avoid bias and loaded
Making the Instruments
Establish face validity using panel of
experts which explore theoretical construct
The rehearsal to test in a small number
of respondents before the conduct of the
main study.
Pilot Test
The scale use to test the internal
consistency of the construct of the
measure of the Questions. Cronbach’s
Alpha, KR20, etc.
Reliability Analysis
he final conduct of the study after the
reliability has been tested to be at
least acceptable.
Final Testing
The data will be counted, encoded and
interpreted after it was gathered from the
respondents. The gathered data were
encrypted using Microsoft Excel and computed
and processed through the SPSS.
Tabulation of Data
Using a software to analyze the data
(Excel, SPSS, R, etc.)
Data Processing
the process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data.
Result Analysis
The Methodology(5)
A. Research Design
B. Respondents of the Study
C. Research Instruments
D. Data Gathering Procedure
E. Data Analysis Procedure
Procedural Flow(9)
Making the Instruments
Pilot Test
Reliability Analysis
Final Testing
Tabulation of Data
Data Processing
Result Analysis