hyperlipidemia drugs Flashcards
HMG-coA reductase inhibitors - stops our body from making cholesterol from acetyl coA, also increases LDL receptors on hepatocytes = lower plasma LDL, may also decrease plasma triglycerides and raise HDL
DOC for familial hypercholesterolemia or defective apoB100, also best for combined hyperlipidemia (sometimes combine with fibrates or niacin)
four groups of individuals that should be on statin: with clinical athersclerotic events (angina, MI), LDL-C > 190, 40-75 yo with diabetes and LDL 70-189, 40-75 yo witout atherosclerotic disease with LDL 70-189 with 10 year ASCVD of 7.5% or higher
first line therapy for increased LDL levels - dont use in preg women
best given at night (when chol synthesis occurs)
AE: can get transient elevations in serum aminotransaminase - but hepatic tox is usually not a problem, can cuase increased creatinine kinase activity = rhabdomyolysis
simvistatin cuased rhabdomyolysis is made worse in patienst taking amiodarone
pro drugs - lovastatin, simvastatin
can use for treatment of defective apoB100
water soluble vitamine converted to amide -> incorperated into niacinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and excreted in urine
imporves virtually every lipid parameter (LDL, triglycerides, elevate HDL)
DOC: patienst with elevated LDL and lowered HDL
tox: cutanous flushing (increase prosta levels)
activate hepatic PPAR-a = decreases plasma triglycerides, VLDL, LDL, increase HDL
DOC for treatment of familial hypertriglyceridemia and dysbetalipoprotinemia
may increase risk of myopathy in patienst on statins
may enhance rhabdomyolysis in statins
omega 3 FA
activate PPARa (like fibrates)
dont use omega 6 found in veg oil - this can increase triglycerides
bile acid binding resin - they bind to the bile acids (cant reabsorb them)
less reabsorption of bile acid chol
lowers LDL and increases HDL
tox: bloating and constipation , they may decrease abosrption of fat soluble vits (ADEK)
use for primary hypercholestreolemia, may reduce VLDL, may be used for digoxin tox
bile acid binding resin
bile acid binidng resin
sterol uptake inhibitor
less cholesterol intake from food
used for treatment of hypercholesteormia
drug combo - extended relase niacin plus simvastatin
combs are good when: VLDL levels increase during resin therapy for hypercholesteronmia, VLDL and LDL are elevated, VLDL or LDL are not normalized by a single drug, elevated lipoprotien A or HDL deficiency occurs with other hyperlipidemias
drug combo - ezetimibe plus simvastatin