HumBio3A-Notes1 Flashcards
Why are cells different?
because they make different proteins
What cells make insulin?
Pancreatic beta cells
What protein does muscle make?
What is myosin?
protein made by muscles
How is the order of the amino acid in protein determined?
the order of the bases in the DNA/RNA
The gene for insulin is _____ in the pancreas
The gene for hemoglobin is _____ in red blood cells
How is gene transcription regulated?
acivator proteins
another name for activator proteins
transcription factors
another name for binding site of activator protein
enhancer site
transcription factor
activator proteins
can one gene be an enhancer (activator binding site) and code for RNA?
Activator proetins bind to DNA with _________
great precision
The genome is mostly __________
non-coding, regulatory
why is insulin not created in a red blood cell?
the pancreas-specific activator is not present
what is at the heart of developmental biology?
cell differentiation
Different cell types express_______ genes
What is epigenetics?
the mechanisms that cells use to remember that they’re different from eachother
How do cells communicate with eachother?
cells are enclosed by a ______
plasma membrane
3 main functions of the plasma membrane:
provides a barrier, organizational surface, requires a transport mechanism
The plasma membrane is a ______
lipid bylayer
define antipathic
ability to form membranes in water - combination of hydrophillic and hydrophobic
the antipathic structure of the lipid bilayer is made of a_____
hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail
a typical fat molecule is
type of lipid found in lipid bilayer
type of molecule that dissolves into water
acetone is ______
components of a hydrophilic head
polar group, phosphate, glycerol
comonents of hydrophobic tails
two fatty acid tails
hydrophilic head groups face ______ towards water
hydrophobic tails custer in the ________ shielded from water
tow types of membranes
plasma membrane and internal membrane
endoplasmic reticulum
How are cells able to receive info from the outside, through a plasma membrane?
transmembrane protein that spans the membrane
What is the energy currency of the cell?
How do cells utilize nutrients to generate ATP
Can activator proteins bind to multiple sites in the DNA?
yes - see genetic conservation
activator proteins are grouped into