HRM 2.0 Flashcards
High Performance Work Systems
Bundle of HR activities that increase organisational performance
Empowerment-Enhancing Bundles
Employee-involvement in influencing work process
Complaint resolution systems
Job enrichment (skill flexibility, job variety)
Employee participation in decision making
Systems to encourage feedback from employees
Self-managed or autonomous work groups
Motivation-Enhancing Bundles
Formal performance appraisal proces
Incentive plans (bonuses, profit-sharing)
Linking pay to performance
Opportunities for internal career mobility and promotions
Health care and other employee benefits
Skill-Enhancing Bundles
Job requirements generated through job analysis
Job-based skill training
Recruiting to ensure availability of large applicant pools
Structures and validated procedures for personnel selection
AMO Model
Abilities (selection of the right people)
Motivation (higher pay, rewards)
Motivation AMO
Influenced by performance management and working conditions
Opportunities AMO
Influenced by communication and participation
Components AMO
Abilities/skills, Motivation/Incentives & Opportunity to participate
Effective, Discretionary, Effort
Firm performance
High Uniqueness, Irreplaceability and High Strategic Value
Commitment based
Knowledge-based Employment
Low Uniqueness, Irreplaceability and High Strategic Value
Productivity based
Job-based employment
Low Uniqueness, Irreplaceability and Low Strategic Value
Compliance Based
Contractual work
Social Workers
High Uniqueness, Irreplaceability and Low Strategic Value
Collaborative based
HR Configuration
Bathtub Model Organization level
HR strategies, HR practices, Work Systems
Organizational Performance
Bathtub Model Individual level
Employee Perceptions and Attitudes
Employee Performance
Black box HRM
Intended HR practices > actual > perceived > employee reaction > organizational performance