HR Policy No. 503 ...Workplace Harassment Flashcards
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
The City of Glendale prohibits conduct which creates __________, _________ or_____________ work environment.
an intimidating, hostile, or offensive
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
Prohibited harassment includes, but is not limited to ____________ or __________abuse of another.
intimidation or persistent abuse
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
Prohibited harassment includes:
physically, verbally or
in writing.
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
Employees who are determined to have
vindictively and intentionally made a false complaint of prohibited harassment shall be subject to_________?
disciplinary action.
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
when one or more of the following situations occur. 1_________2________3__________
Sexual Harassment
- explicitly or implicitly a
term or condition of an individual’s employment - basis for employment decisions affecting such individual
- purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance…intimidating, hostile or offensive.
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
Identification Guidelines for Prohibited Harassment:
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
- The behavior is unwelcome
- The behavior is repetitive, i.e. constant unwelcome touching,
remarks, or jokes. - The behavior is one-sided
- The harasser usually has some kind of authority over the victim
- The complainant, for whatever reason, cannot stop the abuse
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
Manager and supervisor to whom an act of prohibited harassment has
been reported or who becomes aware of acts of prohibited harassment
shall report it to___________?
Human Resources Director
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
Managers and supervisors, on all levels, are responsible for explaining the _________ _________to a complainant and to make employees aware of
the City’s procedures.
complaint procedure
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
The employee should also be
made aware that the ____________will be notified of the
Human Resources Director
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
Managers and supervisors have a ________ and are responsible for dealing effectively with complaints as they occur.
duty to act
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
An employee may have another employee
guide him/her through the process for moral support.
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
When is an employee who believes he or she has been harassed encouraged to file a complaint?
As soon as possible.
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
A complaint must be filed as soon as possible, with one or more or the following City employees: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
- Immediate supervisor
- Any manager or supervisor within or outside the department
- Department head
- The Human Resources Director
- The City Manager’s “Hotline”
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
The City of
Glendale, the Attorney General’s Office Arizona
Civil Rights
Division, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(EEOC) Phoenix
District Office, do ask and encourage you to
report prohibited harassment to the City’s internal process, on a
timely basis.
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
The Human Resources Director shall expediently direct___(WHO)_________ to investigate complaints of prohibited harassment.
The department head
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
The Human Resources Director shall be consulted to determine the severity of disciplinary action to be taken.
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
Disciplinary action shall be taken depending on the__________ and ___________
of each individual situation.
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
Disciplinary action may range from a verbal counseling to termination.
Verbal counseling
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
Training shall be conducted ______________on the topic of prohibited harassment and attendance is mandatory for all employees.?
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
Violent behaviors include, but are not limited to:
Making threatening remarks on the City of Glendale property, at City of Glendale events or under circumstances that may negatively impact the City of Glendale’s ability to conduct its business.
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
______(WHO)_________ is responsible for reporting to management if s/he is being
subject to threats or acts of violence or is witnessing threats or acts of
Each employee
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
- Immediate supervisor
- Any manager or supervisor within or outside the department
- Department head
- The Human Resources Director
- The City Manager’s “Hotline”
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
Employees involved in fighting or making threats will be disciplined, up to
and including__________.
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
_____________should be requested to intervene when a
customer is abusive
A supervisor .
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
An employee may be involved in a personal noncriminal
dispute .If the situation escalates, individuals sometimes secure an “Order of Protection”or an “__________________”
“Injunction Against Harassment”
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
Regarding threats or violence against employees:
The Human Resources Director, in conjunction with the department head, assesses the need to form a_______ Assessment Team.
Threat Assessment team
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
____________will provide guidance to the Department Manager in securing a restraining order to deter harassment of the affected employee.
The Threat Assessment Team
A member of the City’s_____________ will be available to provide emergency assistance and support to an employee or employees who have been subject of physical and/or psychological violence in the workplace.
Victim Assistance staff
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
Bomb threats can be received in a number of ways. They can come by_______, __________ or _________.
phone, a message, or a third person.
HR #503 —–Workplace Harassment
If an evacuation is ordered, and time permits, all employees should take
personal items such as purses, lunch boxes, or brief cases with them.