General Orders 102.14B Health Center Tier Protocol Flashcards
Physical fitness will be evaluated during the annual physical and assessed through what?
A treadmill test
EKG stress test
weight and body composition
and functional movement screen
What are the medical components of the annual physical?
Physical examination Blood testing urinalysis hearing test pulmonary function test electrocardiogram
The Glendale fire department members will be evaluated using what nationally recognized to tier system?
Phoenix fire department tier system
After the physical evaluation the health center physician will provide a tier rating based on what?
Body fat percentage blood pressure pulmonary function score blood sugar and metabolic equivalent
What does tier 1 rating mean?
The minimal help parameters to which Glendale fire department members should maintain for field conditioning
What does tier 2 rating mean?
Indicative that health issues are noted and interventional support or change is recommended. It is recommended that you reversed trends and stay healthy
What does tier 3 rating mean?
Indicative of health issues sufficient for mandatory referral for wellness/fitness intervention, but removal from the field is not required. You need to participate in the health regiment
What does tier 4 rating mean?
Indicative of health issues sufficient enough to mandate removal from the field, at the clinicians discretion, and mandatory referral for wellness/fitness intervention
The health center physician will notify the ___________________ if a Glendale fire department member has fallen into tier 4 status and the physician feels that the medical issue prevents the number from forming the duties and functions of their position successfully or safely
health and safety Chief
The health and safety Chief will place the member on an accompanied duty schedule or the member may opt to use their accrued personal leave… Can the employee decline accommodated duty, if so what must they do?
Yes, they must use appropriate available leave until they achieve the appropriate recommended treatment
When a Glendale fire department member is between 11 to 11.9 METS for the first time they can remain on shift, how long are they given to get their METS above 12?
3 months
What happens if a Glendale fire department member falls below 11 METS?
Immediately taken off the truck and placed on 40 our assignment
Although the minimum standard is 12 METS the fire department strongly urges its members to keep there MET S at a range of ____________
14 or more
What does METS indicate?
The amount of oxygen the body consumed during activity and represents a standard scale on which to measure exercise workload
What happens if I’m tier 4 for one thing and tier 1 for everything else?
With the exception of body fat percentage, levels in any tier 4 category will make you a tier 4 candidate
What is the purpose of the health center tier system protocol?
To reduce the risk and burden of fire service occupational morbidity and mortality while improving the welfare of firefighters