Hormonal Control of Calcium and Phosphorus: Part 1 Flashcards
Why are we Interested in
Calcium and Phosphorus? (3)
• Essential to many vital physiological processes
• Essential for proper mineralization of skeleton / dentition
• Disturbances in calcium
and phosphorus homeostasis linked to several
pathological disorders
Why is it Important to Maintain Extracellular Calcium (Ca2+) within a narrow range?
Ca2+ ions critical to many cellular functions: - Cell division / Cell adhesion - Plasma membrane integrity - 2nd messenger in signal transduction - Muscle contractility - Neuronal excitability - Blood clotting - Skeletal development - Bone, dentin, enamel mineralization Difficult to name a physiologic process not dependent on calcium
Why is it Important to Maintain Phosphorus Homeostasis?
Phosphorus critical to many cellular functions:
- Membrane composition (phospholipids)
- Intracellular signaling
- Nucleotide structure
- Skeletal development
- Bone, dentin, enamel mineralization
- Chondrocyte differentiation
3 major pools of calcium in body:
Bone calcium – 99%
Calcium in blood & extracellular fluid
Intracellular calcium
Calcium in blood & extracellular fluid and intracellular calcium accounts for –% of calcium
Adult body contains ~
1Kg calcium – 99% in
mineral phase of bone/teeth as hydroxyapatite
(HA) crystals
HA mineralization of bone is important for
mechanical and weight bearing properties of bone
Bone HA serves as reservoir of calcium to
blood ionized calcium within normal
Normal range for total serum calcium =
8.5 – 10.5mg/dL (2.1-2.6mM)
ionized (biologically active fraction)=
bound to albumin (pH dependent)=
complexed with citrate or phosphate ions=
Normal range of ionized calcium =
4.4-5.4mg/dL (1.1-1.35mM)
Ionized calcium levels relatively stable but total
calcium can vary with changes in (2)
amounts of albumin
or pH, etc.
In a typical individual: ~---mg calcium ingested per day ~---mg absorbed by gut ~---g filtered daily through kidney - most (~99%) is reabsorbed ~---mg excreted in urine
—- stores about 1Kg calcium = major calcium
reservoir in the body
~—mg/day calcium released from bone per day due
to normal bone turnover
~—mg/day deposited in bone due to bone formation
Cells maintain — intracellular calcium concentrations in cytosol
what concentration?
~0.0001mM = 10-7M) (can increase 10-100 fold during calcium signaling, etc.
Extracellular concentration much —
higher (~ 1mM = 10-3M)
~10,000x higher
Maintenance of — gradient is important - intracellular calcium — regulate cell function
Gradient achieved by — — in plasma membrane
Ca2+ pumps
phosphorus is present as — — —- in solution
free phosphate ions
Present as free phosphate ions in solution =
phosphate (Pi) (mixture of HPO42- and H2PO4)
Majority of body phosphate (~85%) in
mineral phase of bone/teeth [Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2]
Remainder of phosphate is distributed between
other tissues (14%) and extracellular fluid (1%)
Unlike calcium, phosphorus absorption in gut =
efficient (~80-90% of dietary phosphorus absorbed)
Dietary deficiency in phosphorus is —
Adult serum Pi concentration ~
- 5 to 4.5 mg/dL
0. 8-1.5mM
Most extracellular phosphate is free in solution -
important buffer to maintain
physiological pH
Serum — levels vary more than —
as it is not as tightly regulated
Amount of Ca2+/Pi ingested in food
= sum of amount lost in (2)
feces and
secrete hormones to excreted in urine
3 steps involved in calcium uptake
- Uptake of calcium from apical side of cell - by ion
channels belonging to TRP superfamily (Transient
Receptor Potential ion channels) - Transcellular transport of calcium - by calcium
binding proteins (calbindins) - Extrusion of calcium on basal surface of cell – by
membrane transport proteins (Ca2+ ATPases or Na+
dependent Ca2+ exchangers)
Similar 3-step process occurs in gut, kidney,
osteoclasts, with
same groups of proteins but
specific isoforms are different
Ca2+ uptake on apical
side of intestinal epithelial cell
Calbindin D9K –
transport of Ca2+ to basal side
of cell
Ca2+ATPase1b –
pumps Ca2+ out
of basal side of cell (e.g. into
During high dietary calcium intake, — also occurs
passive calcium uptake by a diffusional paracellular (between epithelial cells) path of absorption
Pi taken up into cell by
phosphate transporter - Na+
dependent Pi co-transporter type IIb (NaPi-IIb)–
on brush border of ileum
Mechanism(s) for Pi — transport/extrusion into circulation not yet known
Also some Pi uptake by — — process
passive diffusion
After intestinal absorption into blood, Ca2+ and Pi is
in kidney glomerulus
~99% of Ca2+ and ~85-95% of Pi filtered in the kidney is
reabsorbed in kidney tubules (REABSORPTION = very
Ca2+ uptake in renal reabsorption = same 3 step mechanism as in gut, but different
isoforms of TRP and calbindin
Ca2+ uptake in renal reabsorption 3 steps
- Uptake - TRPV5
- Transcellular transport – Calbindin D28K
- Extrusion – Ca2+ ATPase 1b (PMCa1b), Na+ dependent Ca2+exchanger (NCX1)
Pi uptake in renal reabsorption – same mechanism as in gut
but different
isoforms of Na+ dependent Pi co-transporter
NaPi-IIa, NaPi-IIc
In osteoclasts most of calcium is transported through cell by — into acidic vesicles followed by — at cell surface
Many of the hormones involved in regulation of
calcium and phosphate homeostasis work by
altering expression of these key transporter molecules
Main Hormones/Regulatory Factors
Involved in Ca2+I Homeostasis (3)
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3] (calcitriol)
Calcitonin (may play a more minor role)
Main Hormones/Regulatory Factors
Involved in Pi Homeostasis (3)
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3] (calcitriol)
Fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF23)
(Dentin matrix protein-1/PHEX)
calcium and phosphate regulation is co-ordinated to some extent because
some of the regulatory molecules are the same (i.e. PTH and 1,25 (OH)2 D3)
• E.g – calcium and phosphate are always released together during bone resorption
PTH has opposite effects on Ca2+ and Pi resorption in the
A couple of the hormones regulating Ca2+ and Pi homeostasis are different – for example (2)
calcitonin is released in response to high serum calcium and FGF23 is released in response to high serum phosphate
— molecules responsible for Ca2+ and Pi uptake are different
while the system allows for some coordination it also
allows for Ca 2+ and Pi to be regulated — if needed
— homeostasis more fully understood than —
Serum calcium concentrations detected by
— expressed in parathyroid gland
Calcium Sensing Receptor (CaSR)
increase Serum Ca2+
= — CasR signaling
= — PTH secretion
decrease Serum Ca2+
= — CasR signaling
= — PTH secretion
PTH is an 84 a.a. peptide hormone produce by
parathyroid glands
Calcium regulatory activity of PTH confined to first — a.a.
half life of PTH
~5 min
short half life
PTH receptor
PTH1R (also binds PTHrP [parathyroid hormone related
Class of PTH receptor
B G-protein coupled receptor
PTH actions mediated via activation of
cyclase/cAMP production
Low serum Ca2+ levels results in
CaSR signaling shut off which leads to
release of PTH
PTH Actions: (3)
• Increases bone resorption - i.e. releases calcium and phosphate
• Increases calcium reabsorption in kidney
• Opposite effect on phosphate reabsorption in kidney (reduces Pi
reabsorption -can lead to phosphaturia)
In kidney - PTH stimulates conversion of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 [25(OH)D3] to
active form 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3
1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 induces expression of
Calbindins and other components of calcium transport system (TRPV5, TRPV6, Ca2+ ATPases,
Na+/Ca2+ exchangers) –
1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 Induces expression of Calbindins and other components of calcium transport system (TRPV5, TRPV6, Ca2+ ATPases, Na+/Ca2+ exchangers) – resulting in increased: (3)
Ca2+ uptake in the intestine
Ca2+ reabsorption in the kidney tubules
Ca2+ release into circulation from bone
1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 induces expression of phosphate transporters (NaPi-IIa,NaPi-IIb,NaPi-IIc) – resulting in increased: (3)
Pi uptake in the intestine
Pi reabsorption in the kidney tubules
Pi release into circulation from bone
1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 feeds back to inhibit
further production of PTH (negative feedback)
Combined actions of PTH and 1,25(OH)2D3 → =
increase serum calcium (and phosphate) back to
normal range
Further production of PTH inhibited when Ca2+
returns to normal and also because of inhibition by
Opposite sequence of events happens when serum
calcium is —
CaSR signaling activated which reduces
PTH secretion
Resultant reduction in — production in kidney
Leads to — release of calcium and phosphate from
skeleton, — intestinal calcium and phosphate
absorption/renal calcium reabsorption
Many of effects mediated through modulation of
expression of
calcium transporter proteins
Calcitonin = hormone released by — gland in
response to — serum calcium
Calcitonin generally opposed — actions
Major effect of calcitonin-
inhibits osteoclast resorption in bone by causing retraction of osteoclast ruffled border
Minor effect of calcitonin
inhibits renal reabsorption of Ca2+ and phosphate allowing them to be excreted in the urine
Calcitonin role now thought to play a more minor role because
thyroid tumors that secrete excessive amounts of calcitonin have normal serum calcium (probably kidneys become resistant)
Removal of thyroid has only a small effect on
calcium homeostasis
Main regulators of phosphate homeostasis: (4)
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
1,25-dihydroxyvitamin-D3 [1,25(OH2)D3]
Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23)
(Dentin matrix protein-1/PHEX)
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
- – phosphate release from bone
- – renal phosphate reabsorbtion
- – 1,25 D3 production by kidney
1,25-dihydroxyvitamin-D3 [1,25(OH2)D3]
increases (3)
phosphate release from bone,
increases renal phosphate reabsorption,
phosphate uptake in gut
Regulation overlaps with regulation of Ca2+ but also
Phosphate regulation not as well understood as calcium –
— evolving field
— sensing mechanism not yet determined
FGF23 – kDa protein – important in — regulation
Expression induced in bone when — — too
high (esp. osteoblasts, osteocytes, lining cells/
serum phosphate
FGF23 can be cleaved into smaller fragments of 12 and 20kDa to
inactivate the protein
Expression of FGF23 in osteocytes inhibited by two key proteins:
Dentin matrix protein-1 (DMP1)
Phosphate regulating endopeptidase homolog, X-linked (PHEX)
major source of endocrine FGF23 and now known to
be major players in regulation of phosphate homeostasis
FGF23 Actions in the Kidney: (2)
• Decreases reabsorption of phosphate (by downregulating
expression of Na+ dependent phosphate transporters) –
means that more phosphate is excreted in urine.
• Decreases production of 1,25(OH)2D3
Overall effect of FGF23 –
lowers serum phosphate
Although gut and skeleton contribute to phosphate
regulation, main mechanism for (rapid) regulation of
phosphate –
KIDNEY reabsorption
Type II Na2+-dependent phosphate co-transporters
expressed in proximal tubules = (2)
NaPiIIa, NaPiIIc
PTH inhibits
phosphate reabsorption (via inhibition of NaPiIIa and NaPiIIc expression)
Absence of PTH increases
phosphate reabsorption
FGF23 produced by osteocytes when serum phosphate is
high -
downregulates NaPiIIa and NaPiIIc (reduces Pi
reabsorption in kidney)
Factors Regulating Calcium and Phosphate Homeostasis (4)
1,25 (OH)2D3 (calcitriol)
System has some overlap - especially bone resorptive component, because
Ca and Pi are simultaneously released during resorption
Because the renal reabsorption of Ca and Pi are regulated
differently by PTH, and because FGF23 regulates phosphate separately, this allows some degree of
independent regulation