Hoofdstuk 5 Flashcards
the process by which people try to manage the perceived discrepancy between the demands and resources they appraise in a stressful situation
2 main functions (Lazarus):
1) it can alter the problem causing the stress
2) it can regulate the emotional response to the problem
Emotion-Focused Coping
is aimed at controlling the emotional response to the stressful situation
- regulate through behavioral and cognitive approaches
- Behavioral - using alcohol/seeking social support/distract attention from problem
- Cognitive - redefine the situation (“things could be worse”) or by comparisons with others
- people use Emotion-Focused Coping when they believe they can do little to change the stressful conditions
Problem-Focused Coping
aimed at reducing the demand sof a stressful situation or expanding the resources to deal with it
- used when people believe their resources or the demands of the situation are changeable
- Relationship-coping
- Dyadic-coping (partners working together, recognizing their interdependence in dealing with a shared stressor)
Behavioral/cognitive/informational control to cope with stress before/after surgery
Drugs that reduce physiological arousal and anxiety
1) Benzodiazepines (valium/xanax)
2) Beta blockers (inderal)
- Benzodiazepines activate a neurotransmitter that decreases neural transmission in the central nervous system
- Beta blockers reduce anxiety and blood pressure. they block the activity stimulated by epinephrine and norepinephrine in the peripheral nervous system (less drowsiness)
One way people can learn to control their feelings of tension
Progressive (Muscle) Relaxation
- focus the attention on specific muscle groups while alternately tightening and relaxing these muscles (Edmund Jacobson)
Systematic Desensitization (classical conditioning)
method for reducing fear and anxiety (counterconditioning)
- important feature is that it uses a stimulus hierarchy (a graded sequence of approximations to the conditioned stimulus, the feared situation)
* goal is to bring the person in contact with source of fear
- in vivo, imaginal or symbolic
Cognitive Restructuring
is a process by which stress-provoking thoughts or beliefs are replaced with more constructive or realistic ones that reduces the person’s appraisal of threat or harm
Irrational beliefs that increase stress (Aaron Beck)
1) Arbitrary Inference (specifieke conclusie trekken uit vaag “bewijs”. jump to conclusions)
2) Magnification (greatly exaggerating the meaning or impact of an event)
Cognitive Therapy attempts to help clients see that they are not responsible for all of the problems they encounter, the negative events they experience
are usually not catastrophes and their maladaptive beliefs are not logically valid
- hypothesis testing
- effective in treating depression (promising for treating anxieties)
Stress-Inoculation Training
teach people skills to alleviate stress
Stress Management Methods
are more effective when combined with multidimensional programs
- mediation most successful single technique
- multidimensional programs consisting of behavioral and cognitive methods are as effective as diuretic drugs in reducing blood pressure
4 soorten social steun
1) emotionele steun (emotional support en respect/waardering = esteem support)
2) concrete/instrumentele steun (tangible, instrumental support)
3) informationele steun
4) netwerk steun (companion support) = positief verband sociale steun en gezondheid
De effecten van stress beïnvloeden kan op verschillende manieren (controle strategieën)
1) gedragsmatige controle (behavioral control) = fysieke actie
2) Cognitieve controle = gedachten op iets anders richten
3) Informatiecontrole (door informatie beter voorbereid)
Volgens Bandura wordt de mate van eigen-effectiviteit (Self Efficacy)
bepaald door eerdere ervaringen die mensen hebben gehad met dezelfde/vergelijkbare situaties