Hoofdstuk 1 Flashcards
common thought about health in terms of “absence of… “
1) objective signs that the body is not functioning properly (high blood pressure)
2) subjective symptoms of disease or injury such as pain or nausea
a positive state of physical, mental and social well-being (not simply the absence of injury or disease) that varies over time along a continuum
Hippocrates (Father of Medicine)’ theory of Humors
body contains 4 fluids (humors). When the mixture of these fluids is harmoneous or balanced, we are in a state of health. Disease occurs when the mixture is faulty.
Remedy: good food and avoiding excesses to achieve humoral balance
Plato: mind and body are separate entities
Refers to our physical being, including our skin/bones/heart/brain
Mind: refers to an abstract process that includes our thoughts, perceptions and feelings.
The question of the relationship between body and mind is the mind/body problem
St. Thomas Aquinas
rejected the view that mind and body are separate and saw them as interrelated
» Renaissance 14e/15e eeuw «
René Descartes (17e eeuw)
Body and Soul separate
- introduced 3 important innovations:
1) body is a machine and he described how action and sensation occurred
2) mind and body can communicate through the pineal gland - an organ in the brain
3) animals have no soul and our souls leave our body after death
Biomedical Model
- assumes that disease is an affliction of the body and is separate from the psychological and social processes of the mind
- proposes that all diseases or physical disorders can be explained by disturbances in physiological processes, from injury/biochemical inbalances/ bacterial or viral infetion etc
- the person, as unique individual, is not included in the biomedical model
Risk Factors
characteristics or conditions that are associated with the development of a disease or injury
- biological (genes)
- behavioral
“behavior matters” - fisher et al 2011
refers to a persons cognitive, affective or behavioral tendencies that are fairly stable across time and situations
Psychosomatic Medicine (‘30s)
Now: American Psychosomatic Society
Psychosomatic: mind and body are both involved
’70s: study role of psychology in illness
- interdisciplinary field that includes physicians and behavioral scientists, close to medicine/psychiatry for understanding and treating physical illness
Behavioral Medicine
- interdisciplinary members
- behaviorism
1) classical conditioning: conditioned stimulus gains the ability to elicit a response through association with the unconditioned stimulus that already elicits that response
2) operant conditioning: behavior is changed, because of the consequences (reward or punishment) - also interdisciplinary
- focus on interventions that promote healthy lifestyle without drugs/surgery
Health Psychology
- Biofeedback: whereby a person’s physiological processes, such as blood pressure, are monitored by the person, so that she can gain voluntary control over them
- Operant Conditioning: Feedback = Reward
- based in psychology
- clinical, social, developmental, experimental, physiological
- to identify and alter lifestyle and emotional processes that lead to illness and to improve functioning and recovery
APA Health Psychology Division
4 goals:
1) promote and maintain health
2) prevent and treat illness
3) identify the causes and diagnostic correlates of health, illness and related dysfunction
4) analyze and improve health care systems and health policy
Biopsychosocial Model
expands the biomedical view by adding to biological factors connections to psychological and social factors
- all 3 factors affect and are affected by the person’s health
Biological Factors
genetic materials and processes
function and structure of a person’s physiology
Psychological Factors
- cognition: mental activity that encompasses perceiving/teaming/remembering/thinking/interpreting/believing and problem solving
subjective feeling that affects and is affected by our thoughts behavior and physiology
the process within individuals that gets them to start some activity, choose its direction and persist in it