History Ch. 18-3 Cities Grow and Change Flashcards
What were the causes and effects of the rapid growth of cities?
Cities grew because jobs in industry attracted people and technology allowed cities to expand upward and outward. Effects of the growth of cities included dangerous overcrowding and poor sanitation, as well as improved leisure activities and public spaces.
Why did the proximity (or nearness) of waterways help cities grow?
Waterways provided easy transport of goods.
How did technology change city life?
Steel and elevators made skyscrapers possible. Elevated trains, streetcars, and modern bridges allowed easy transport in urban areas.
The Latin root urbanus meaning “city” helps us understand the word urbanization. Define “suburb” with by the root “urbanus.”
Suburb means district or town outside of a city.
What services did Jane Addams provide for poor people at Hull House?
teaching English, child care, recreation for young people
How did the services Jane Addams provide at Hull House help people?
They helped people work, adjust to American life, and briefly escape from tenement homes.
What problems did tenement family dwellers face?
poor sanitation, overcrowding, rampant disease, child deaths, the danger of fire
What were some new attractions and leisure activities available in cities?
department stores, professional sports, parks, zoos, museums, gardens
How is a city worker’s schedule different from a farmer’s?
Despite long hours, city dwellers’ work and leisure were separate. Farmers lived and worked in the same place with no change.
How did technology encourage the growth of cities?
Technological advances led cities to construct subways and other transportation systems, which enabled people to live in one part of the city and work in another.
Why was the growth of industry a cause of urbanization?
because it attracted workers to cities
What leisure activities did city dwellers enjoy?
museums, orchestras, art galleries, theaters, circuses, parks, zoos, public gardens, and sports
Why did cities grow rapidly after the Civil War?
They attracted industry, and industry attracted people.
What are two examples that show what role technology played in urbanization?
Bridges and skycrapers needed strong steel; electric streetcars and elevators allowed for the expansion of cities.
What type of housing did poor city dwellers live in?
Why did many people want to live in cities in spite of harsh conditions?
Cities offered opportunities, jobs, and leisure activities.