Chapter 15 Section 1 - Sheet1 Flashcards
Why did each side in the Civil War think the war would be won easily?
Both sides had distinct advantages and both had strategies for winning.
clear or definite; different in quality
supply of something to meet a particular need
border state-
slave states that did not secede
not favoring either side
martial law-
type of rule in which the military is in charge and citizens’ rights are suspended
a military action to prevent traffic from coming into an area or leaving it
What was the immediate result of the surrender of Fort Sumter?
Lincoln asked the states to raise 75,000 troops to put down the rebellion in the South.
How did the border states line up in the war?
The were all on the Union Side.
Which border states remained in the Union?
Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Missouri, and Kentucky
Why was it important to the Union to keep the border states from seceding from the Union?
Their geographical locations were important to the Union.
What were each side’s advantages?
The south had more experienced military officers and would be fighting on its own land among its own people. The North had more factories, farmland, railroad tracks, and a larger population, so it could better feed and equip its army.
Why was it important to the North to take Richmond?
It was the Confederate capital so taking it could cripple the South’s government. It was also very close to Washington, DC, the nation’s capital.
Why was this war called a civil war?
It was a war in which citizens fought against one another.
How did strategies on the two sides differ?
The North hoped to blockade southern seaports, to gain control of the Mississippi River to control transportation and cut the South in two, and to capture Richmond. The South’s plan was simpler-to defend their territory until the northerners tired of fighting.
How do you think the experience of war affected young men?
Some may have grown up quickly and acquired new skills; many may have become scared, tired, and disillusioned.
Why did citizens ride out to see the armies meet at Manassas?
They expected a quick Union victory.
How did the inexperience of both sides show during the Battle of Bull Run?
The northerners lost their initial advantage and had to flee; the southerners couldn’t follow up and chase them becaue they were too tired.
Why were the poor conditions in prisons and camps a disadvantage to both sides?
Soldiers were too weak with illness and hunger to fight; morale would suffer.
Who were the soldiers in the war?
The were ordinary men from many backgrounds; many were farmers and immigrants.
What was the result of the First Battle of Bull Run?
The battle was inconclusive and the war continued.
What conditions did the soldiers endure in the war?
They lacked clean water, and disease was widespread. Prisons were overcrowded and there was not enough food for prisoners.
What caused Kentucky, Missouri, and Maryland to remain in the Union?
KY-was invaded by Confederate troops, MO-troops sent there to maintain order, MD- was put under martial law.
What were 3 advantages of the South?
-defending its own territory; it could count on help of local people; and it had experienced military leaders
What were 3 advantages held by the North?
-more factories, railroad tracks, farmland, and people
How did the First Battle of Bull Run shatter the belief that the Civil War would be a quick Union victory?
The battle was not as easy as expected, and both sides showed inexperience.
Union leaders planned a ____. They would use military force to keep traffic from coming into or leaving southern seaports.
Lincoln placed Maryland under ___. The military ran it and citizens’ rights were suspended.
martial law