Chapter 18-1 A New Industrial Revolution - Sheet1 Flashcards
What conditions spurred the growth of industry?
Government policies helped business grow, new technology allowed railroads and cities to expand, and new sources of energy supplied industry needs.
What technology made steel the main building material of American cities and industry?
the Bessemer process that made stronger steel at a low cost
What was “black gold,” and how did it get that name?
oil-it was extremely valuable
How did big railroads keep prices high?
They reduced competition by consolidating and by bying smaller railroads and forcing them out of business.
How did the government support business?
The government supported business by giving land grants and subsidies to railroads and other businesses and by keeping high tariffs on imported goods.
Why did Pittsburgh become the center of steel industry?
It was close to coal and oil for fuel.
What was the invention factory, and what did it do?
It was Thomas Edison’s research laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey. It gave scientists a place to work on new inventions such as the lightbulb, the phonograph, and the motion picture camera.
What did people need in order to use lightbulbs and similar inventions?
access to electricity
What inventions most helped industry and why?
Lightbulbs: illuminated dark factories at night. Telephones: improved communication between factories and between buyers and sellers. Typewriters: improved business communications.
Explain the Greek word origins for “telephone.”
Since the Greek word ‘phon’ means “sound” and ‘tele’ means “far away”, a telephone transmits sound over a distance.
Explain why mass production and the assembly line revolutionized transportation.
Producing many cars at a time was cheaper and easier and made them available to large numbers of people.
What did industrial leaders learn from the early automobile industry?
to use assembly lines
Why did industry leaders fail to use airplanes when they were first invented?
Early planes did not fly far and no one could see a practical use for airplanes.
What are two ways the Wright brothers’ airplane differed from modern airplanes?
Their’s was an open bi-plane; today’s planes have single wings and an enclosed area for the pilot and passengers.
Why was Edison’s power plant important?
It allowed Americans to use new inventions such as the lightbulb.
Why did the cost of automobiles decrease?
The assembly line made producing cars less expensive.
What factors were in place at the end of the Civil War that helped create a surge in industrial growth?
The expanding nation had more natural resources; there were new inventions; the government favored industrial growth.
What effect did the discovery of new energy have on the Industrial Revolution?
They made factories and engines cheaper.
What impact did Ford’s assembly line have on changing American lifestyles?
People could travel longer distances regularly because cars were affordable.
Explain the Greek word origins for “phonograph”.
Since ‘graph’ means “writing,” and ‘phon’ means “sound,” phonograph means “a machine that reproduces sounds written onto a disk.”
How does a patent protect inventors?
A patent gives the inventor the sole right to make and sell an invention.
How did the assembly line revolutionize factories?
It was a conveyor belt that allowed for quicker production and revolutionized factories by making it possible to manufacture goods more quickly and cheaply.