Chapter 15 Section 4 - Sheet1 Flashcards
How did the war affect people and politics in the North and the South?
The war caused political divisions in both the North and the South while changing the lives of civilians and soldiers alike.
habeas corpus
a consitutional protection against unlawful imprisonment
a system of required military service
income tax
tax on the money people receive
general rise in prices
impose by law
money used to make purchases
What caused supporters of states’ rights to oppose the war?
They objected to officers from other states commanding their troops; they also felt drafting men from their states violated states’ rights.
Why did both Davis and Lincoln feel they had to suspend the right of habeas corpus?
Neither wanted dissenters to interfere with their war effort.
As the war progressed on the battlefield, what was happening at home?
There were disruptive efforts, calls for peace, and suspension of habeas corpus.
How did the Civil War divide both North and South?
Not all northerners supported a war to preserve the Union or end slavery, and not all southerners favored a war to defend secession or support slavery.
Is the cartoonist of “Copperheads” likely to be a Republican against the war? How does he feel about the Copperheads?
Probably a Republican but not against the war, because he shows the Copperheads threatening the Union, which is at war, and probably views them as dangerous and poisonous to the Union.
Why did many men desert on a temporary basis?
They were farmers who went home, tended their fields, and then returned.
Why might factory workers and laborers riot?
They didn’t want to leave their jobs; they were angry that those who could afford to could avoid the draft.
Why was the Civil War sometimes called a poor man’s fight?
Wealthy men could pay to avoid the draft while poor men could not afford to do so.
What motivated the people who rioted against the draft?
They resented having to serve in the war. Because the war was centered around the issue of slavery, they saw African Americans as the cause of the war.
How did the shortage of goods cause people to behave?
They stole, looted, and pleaded for help.
What effect did the war have on women?
They contributed in numerous ways, including fighting in the armies, acting as spies, taking over businesses, and running farms and plantations. Many women, such as Clara Barton, worked as nurses.
What strains did the war put on people?
It caused financial hardships, as well as shortages of food and other necessities.
How did the war affect women?
They took on many roles that would not have been possible during peacetime.
What were two reasons some northerners opposed the war?
Some opposed the Emancipation Proclamation; some believed the South had a right to secede.
What were two reasons some southerners opposed the war?
Some did not support secession; some felt the war intruded on states’ rights.
Explain the changing role for women during the Civil War.
They began to have more opportunities, because they took on many roles that had previously been performed by men.
What effects did the Civil War have on the economies of the North and of the South?
Northern industriesprofited by producing goods necessary for the war. However, both sides began printing money, leading to inflation.
What was happening to the economy as the Civil War raged on?
The economies of both sides were declining.