Histology 5th LE Flashcards

Seminiferous tubules
Stratified cuboidal epithelium resting on the basement membrane
Spermatogonia - spherical nuclei, immediately adjacent to basement membrane
Primary spermatocyte
Sertoli cells (in between cuboidal cells, triangular, blood testis barrier)
Leydig cells - acidophillic, produce testosterone, in between the tubules in the interstital space
Organ: Pancreas
Islets of Langerhans
Cells of the Pancreas:
- Alpha: glucagon
- Beta: Insulin
- Delta: Somatostatin
- F/PP Cells: Pancreatic Polypeptide
Organ: Pancreas
Islets of Langerhans
Cells of the Pancreas:
- Alpha: glucagon
- Beta: Insulin
- Delta: Somatostatin
- F/PP Cells: Pancreatic Polypeptide
Organ: Thymus
Hassal’s Corupuscle
Endocrine function: Thymopoeitin (for lymphocyte development)
Organ: Thymus
Hassal’s Corupuscle
Endocrine function: Thymopoeitin (for lymphocyte development)
*notice the lobated areas
Organ: Thymus
Hassal’s Corupuscle
Endocrine function: Thymopoeitin (for lymphocyte development)
*notice the medullary area which is pale-staining
Organ: Thymus
Hassal’s Corupuscle
Endocrine function: Thymopoeitin (for lymphocyte development)
Organ: Parathyroid Gland
Principal cells and oxyphil cells
*Notice that the slide is pale-staining
Organ: Parathyroid Gland
Parathyroid gland
Parathyroid gland
Organ: Pituitary Gland
Left side is pale staining: Pars nervosa (Posterior Lobe); whitish in appearance due to predominance of nerve fibers; small cells are pituicytes
Right side is darker staining: Anterior Lobe; note acidophillic cells, basophillic cells, and chromophobes
Middle part: Pars intermedia
Cells of the Anterior Pituitary:
- Acidophils: more numerous, smalle, secrete less hormones (GH, Somatotropin, Prolactin)
- Basophils: less in number, bigger, secrete more hormones (LH, FSH, ACTH, B-LPH, MSH, TSH)
- Chromophobes: Do not stain, with central nucleus, non-functional
Organ: Pituitary gland, Anterior Lobe
Cells of the Anterior Pituitary:
- Acidophils: more numerous, smaller, secrete less hormones (GH, Somatotropin, Prolactin)[pampalaki ng bata at ng boobs]
- Basophils: less in number, bigger, secrete more hormones (LH, FSH, ACTH, B-LPH, MSH, TSH) [Stimulating hormones]
- Chromophobes: Do not stain, with central nucleus, non-functional
Cells of the Anterior Pituitary:
- Acidophils: more numerous, smalle, secrete less hormones (GH, Somatotropin, Prolactin)
- Basophils: less in number, bigger, secrete more hormones (LH, FSH, ACTH, B-LPH, MSH, TSH)
- Chromophobes: Do not stain, with central nucleus, non-functional
Cells of the Anterior Pituitary:
- Acidophils: more numerous, smalle, secrete less hormones (GH, Somatotropin, Prolactin)
- Basophils: less in number, bigger, secrete more hormones (LH, FSH, ACTH, B-LPH, MSH, TSH)
- Chromophobes: Do not stain, with central nucleus, non-functional
Organ: Pituitary Gland
Cells of the anterior pituitary
Pinker cells: Acidophils
Bluer cells: Basophils
Non-staining: Chromophobes
Cells of the anterior pituitary
Light pink cells: Acidophils
Darker pink cells: Basophils
Non-staining: Chromophobes
Organ: Thyroid Gland with thyroid follicles
Secretions are inside the thyroid follicle. Follicles are filled with colloid.
Lining of thyroid follicles:
- Normal: simple cuboidal epithelium
- Hypoactive: simple squamois
- Very active: simple columnar epithelium
Cell types:
- Parafollicular/clear/C cells: on the basal lamina or between follicles, secrete Calcitonin
- Follicular epithelial/Principal/F cells: secrete T3 or T4, smaller and darker staining
Organ: Thyroid Gland with thyroid follicles
Secretions are inside the thyroid follicle. Follicles are filled with colloid.
Lining of thyroid follicles:
- Normal: simple cuboidal epithelium
- Hypoactive: simple squamois
- Very active: simple columnar epithelium
Cell types:
- Parafollicular/clear/C cells: on the basal lamina or between follicles, secrete Calcitonin
- Follicular epithelial/Principal/F cells: secrete T3 or T4, smaller and darker staining
Organ: Thyroid Gland with thyroid follicles
Secretions are inside the thyroid follicle. Follicles are filled with colloid.
Pointed structure: Clear cells/C cells/Parafollicular cells
Cell types:
- Parafollicular/clear/C cells: on the basal lamina or between follicles, secrete Calcitonin
- Follicular epithelial/Principal/F cells: secrete T3 or T4, smaller and darker staining
Organ: Thyroid Gland with thyroid follicles
Red Arrow: Follicular cells
Blue arrow: Parafollicular cells
Cell types:
- Parafollicular/clear/C cells: on the basal lamina or between follicles, secrete Calcitonin
- Follicular epithelial/Principal/F cells: secrete T3 or T4, smaller and darker staining
Organ: Thyroid Gland with thyroid follicles
Notice the more flattened epithelium; Hypoactive thyroid gland
Lining of thyroid follicles:
- Normal: simple cuboidal epithelium
- Hypoactive: simple squamois
- Very active: simple columnar epithelium
Organ: Thyroid Gland with thyroid follicles
Pointed Structure: Simple cuboidal epithelium; normal thyroid
Organ: Adrenal Gland
Cortex: Lighter area surrounding darker area
Medulla: Located at the center, containing spaces for blood vessels
Layers of the cortex:
- Zona glomerulosa: arched cords, outermost layer, mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)
- zona fasciculata: straight cords, glucocorticoids
- zona reticulars: irregular cords, androgens (DHEA)
Organ: Adrenal Gland
Cortex: Lighter area surrounding darker area
Medulla: derived from neural crest cells; secretes catecholamines via chromaffin cells
Layers of the cortex:
- Zona glomerulosa: arched cords, outermost layer, mineralocorticoids (aldosterone) [target organs are the kidneys]
- zona fasciculata: straight cords, glucocorticoids
- zona reticulars: irregular cords, androgens (DHEA)
Organ: Adrenal Gland, cortex
Layers of the cortex:
- Zona glomerulosa: arched cords, outermost layer, mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)
- zona fasciculata: straight cords, glucocorticoids
- zona reticulars: irregular cords, androgens (DHEA)
Organ: Adrenal Gland
Layers of the cortex:
Zona glomerulosa: arched cords, outermost layer, mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)
zona fasciculata: straight cords, glucocorticoids
zona reticulars: irregular cords, androgens (DHEA)
Organ: Adrenal Gland
Layers of the cortex:
- Zona glomerulosa: arched cords, outermost layer, mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)
- zona fasciculata: straight cords, glucocorticoids
- zona reticulars: irregular cords, androgens (DHEA)
Adrenal gland
Zona reticularis: Irregular cords, secreting androgens (DHEA)
Adrenal Medulla
Pale-staining chromaffin cells
Secretes cathecholamines (epi, norepi)
Adrenal Medulla
Embryology: neural crest cells
Pale-staining chromaffin cells
Secretes cathecholamines (epi, norepi)
Note fish-eye appearance of nerve cells
Name the organ
Adrenal gland
Identify the organ
Pituitary gland
Identify organ and significant parts
Kidney with glomerolus
Note DCT, PCT, Collecting Tubule
Endocrine Part: JG Cells
JG Cell: renin and erythropoietin
Identify the organ
Placenta with mature chorionic villi
Note cytotrophoblast and syncitiotrophoblast
Identify and describe significant structures
Chorionic villi
Syncitiotrophoblast: at the sides, secreting hCG
Cytotrophoblast: centrally located
Chorionic villi
Syncitiotrophoblast: at the sides, secreting hCG
Cytotrophoblast: centrally located
Identify organ
Organ: Placenta with chorionic villi
Placenta with chorionic villi
Note syncitiotrophoblast, and cytotrophoblast
Placenta with chorionic villi
Note syncitiotrophoblast, and cytotrophoblast
Identify organ
Organ: Vagina
Identify organ and lining epithelium
Organ: Vagina
Lining: Stratified Squamous epithelium non-keratinized
Identify organ and epithelium
Organ: Vagina
Lining: Stratified Squamous epithelium non-keratinized (wet type; the vagina should be wet)
Organ: Vagina
Lining: Stratified Squamous epithelium non-keratinized (wet type; the vagina should be wet)
Identify organ and epithelium
Organ: Cervix
Significant structure: Squamo-columnar junction
Endocervix and exocervix
Simple columnar epithelium-stratified squamous epithelium (wet type)
Note endocervical glands
Organ: Cervix
Significant structure: Squamo-columnar junction
Endocervix and exocervix
Simple columnar epithelium-stratified squamous epithelium (wet type)
With endocervical glands
Organ: Cervix
Significant structure: Squamo-columnar junction
Endocervix and exocervix
Simple columnar epithelium-stratified squamous epithelium (wet type)
With endocervical glands
Organ: Cervix
Significant structure: Squamo-columnar junction
Endocervix and exocervix
Transition zone: Simple columnar epithelium-stratified squamous epithelium (wet type)
With endocervical glands
Transition zone: simple columnar becoming stratified squamous epithelium
Take note of the cervical glands
Identify organ
Organ: Vagina
Absence of cervical glands
Identify organ
Organ: uterus
Notice the bundles of smooth muscles and the glandular area
Endometrium (upper half of the slide): Functional and Basal Layer
Myometrium (lower half of the slide)
Uterus, Endometrium
Functional Layer: supplied by spiral artery
Basal Layer: supplied by straight artery
- Functional layer: spiral artery
- Basal layer: straight artery
smooth muscle layer
Functional layer
Basal Layer
Identify structures
Endometrial glands
Lining of glands: Simple columnar epithelium
Fallopian Tube
*with infoldings of mucosa lined by simple columnar epithelium
*note circular muscle surrounding the infoldings, with slips of smooth muscles
Fallopian Tube
*with infoldings of mucosa lined by simple columnar epithelium
*note circular muscle surrounding the infoldings, with slips of smooth muscles
Identify Organ
Fallopian tube
Note the many mucosal infoldings and simple columnar epithelium lining
Fallopian tube
Pointed structure: Peg cells
Fallopian tube
Pointed structure: Peg cells in between columnar cells
Function of peg cells: secrete fluid for nourishing spermatozoa, oocyte, and zygote
Identify organ:
Organ: Ovary
Note follicles of different stages of development.
- Primordial ovarian follicle: primary oocute surrounded by single layer of flattened follicular cells
- Unilaminar primary ovarian follicle: simple cuboidal epithelium
- Multilamina primary ovarian follicle: stratified cuboidal epithelium
- Antral/Secondary/Vesicular ovarian follicle: with antrum and zona pellucida, theca interna/externa
- Graafian/Mature ovarian follicle: granulosa cells, corona radiata
Identify pointed structure and stage of development
Secondary ovarian follicle with antrum, corona radiata, granulosa later, theca interna, and theca externa
Find the primordial ovarian follicle and identify epithelial lining
Primordial ovarian follicle are the smallest follicles lined with simple squamous epithelium
Corpus Luteum
Referrence: Ovarian follicles
Corpus Luteum
Referrence: Ovarian follicle
Corpus Luteum
Note Syncitiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast
Corpus Luteum
Identify the organ
Organ: Prostate
Large space: Corpora amylacea
*Fibromuscular part
Organ: Prostate
with corpora amylacea: colloidal material in circular structures
largest part of this slide: fibromuscular tissue
Prostate gland with:
- fibromuscular part
- glandular part
- colloidal structures (corpora amylacea)
Prostate gland
Prostate gland
Organ: Testes
Characteristic feature: Seminiferous tubules
Outer covering: Tunica albuginea, simple squamous
Identify bracketed area
Orange brackets: Seminiferous tubules
Yellow bracket: Leydig cells
identify pointed structures
Orange pointer: spermatocyte
Blue pointer: primary spermatocyte
green pointer: spermatid
Black pointer: Sertoli cells
Yellow: Leydig cells
Identify bracketed area
Tunica albuginea
Identify pointed structure:
Sertoli cells, resting on the basement membrane
Sertoli cells
Rete Testes
Rete testes
Identify characteristic structures
Ductus efferentes(scalloping structures) with epidydimis (pseudostratified columnar epithelium with sterocilia)
Ductus efferentes(scalloping structures) with epidydimis (pseudostratified columnar epithelium with sterocilia)
Ductus efferentes(scalloping structures) with epidydimis (pseudostratified columnar epithelium with sterocilia)
Ductus efferentes(scalloping structures) with epidydimis (pseudostratified columnar epithelium with sterocilia)
Ductus efferentes with characteristic scallops
Identify whole structure
Spermatic cord
*big circular structure: vas deferens
notice the veins and arteries and pampiniform plexus
Ductus efferentes
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium with sterocilia
Identify organ
with spermatozoa inside the structures
Epididymis with spermatozoa inside
Identify structures within the spermatic cord
Vas deferens is the largest structure on lower left
Upper right: testicular artery
Upper left: testicular vein
Spermatic cord and contents of the spermatic cord:
vas deferens, testicular artery, testicular vein, pampiniform plexus
Ves deferens
Very muscular covering
Vas deferens
Seminal vesicle
Notice the many infoldings of the mucosa, with simple columnar epithelium
Seminal vesicle
Identify organ and characteristic structures
Penis with corpora cavernosa, corpus spongiosum, and penile urethrea
Ischiocavernosus ms.: surrounding cavernosa
Bulbospongiosus ms.: surrounding corpus spongiosus
*Review coverings and abdominal continuation of layers of penis and scrotum
Pituitary gland
Identify the organ
Identify the organ
Pituitary gland
Identify organ and layers
Adrenal gland, cortex
Zona glomerulosa
zona fasciculata
Zona reticularis
Placenta (mature/imature?)
Organ: Uterus
Functional and basal layer of endometrium
Identify structures
Endometrial glands
Fallopian tube
Spermatic cord
Identify pointed cell
Testes with tunica albuginea