2.3 Lower Limbs - Muscle and Fascia Flashcards
The gluteal fascia covers the
Gluteus medius muscle
Encloses the large thigh muscles
Fascia Lata
The femoral triangle is formed by
Inguinal ligament
Adductor longusSartorius
The femoral triangle contains the
Deep inguinal lymph nodes
Femoral vein
Femoral artery
Femoral nerve
The femoral sheath encloses the
Femoral vessels
Is the thickened lateral part of fascia lata
Iliotibial tract
Also the deep fascia of the leg
Crural fascia
Largest part of the pelvic girle
Extension and lateral rotation of the thigh
Strongest extensor of the hop
Gluteus maximus
Supplies the gluteus minimus and medius
Superior gluteal artery
Abducts and stabilizes the thigh
Medially rotates the thigh
Gluteus medius and minimus
Innervates the tensor fasciae latae
Superior gluteal neurovascular bundle
Landmark of the gluteal regionpear-shaped
Occupe the gap between the piriformis and the quadratus femoris muscle
Triceps coxae
Rectangular muscle, short, flat, located inferior to the obturator internus and gemelli;
Strong lateral rotator of the thigh
Quadratus femoris
Aponeurotic attachment for thigh adductors
Linea Aspera
Most powerful hip flexor with the longest range
Attached to the vertebral column; pelvis, and femur
Resists hyperextension of the hip joint
ILIOPSOAS (Iliacus and psoas muscle)
Tailor’s position
Muscle for the cross-legged position
Longest muscle of the body
Cross the hip and knee joint
Great extensor of the leg
Main bulk of the anterior thigh muscles
Quadriceps femoris
The kicking muscle
Only part of the quadriceps femoris that crosses the hip joint
Capable of flexing the thigh at hip joint and extending the lef at the knee joint
Rectus femoris
largest component of the quadriceps muscle
Vastus lateralis